Sunday, November 1, 2020

Miri Hospital halts non-emergency operations as Covid-19 cases rise


COVID-19 | The Miri Hospital in Sarawak has put non-emergency operations on hold, amid an increase of Covid-19 cases in the district.

Miri currently has 13 active cases, with five new infections reported in the last five days.

In a statement yesterday, the hospital also said that it had converted one general ward into a Covid-19 ward.

All emergency operations will continue as normal, and patients who have appointments with specialists will be informed if there are any changes.

People at high risk of contracting Covid-19 - senior citizens, those with chronic diseases, pregnant women and children under 12 - are also barred from entering the hospital unless for emergencies.

Patient visiting hours have been reduced to 12.30pm-2pm and 5pm-7pm.

Meanwhile, the hospital said that one of the two health workers in Miri who were reported Covid-19 positive on Friday, worked at the public hospital.

The Miri Hospital has isolated the infected worker and commenced contact tracing, it added. 

Areas involved in the case have also been sanitised. - Mkini

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