Wednesday, November 4, 2020

New law to delay polls may lead to politicians stay in power indefinitely - Bersih


The proposal of a new law for the government to postpone the general election may lead to an abuse of power by politicians to stay in power indefinitely, said Bersih.

"It will just be another law for politicians to remain in power and to avoid another electoral defeat," said the electoral watchdog in a statement today.

"Postponing elections would require amendments of the Federal and State Constitutions, which is infeasible, undesirable and unjustifiable in the current political context.

"A two-thirds majority for constitutional amendments is simply impossible in the Parliament and in most legislatures," said Bersih.

In a parliamentary reply on Monday, BN Padang Terap MP Mahdzir Khalid asked if the government intended to amend the Federal Constitution or formulate a specific bill to enable an election to be postponed during Covid-19 pandemic to avoid a spike in the number of Covid-19 cases.

However, de facto law minister Takiyuddin Hassan shot down the proposal to create a new law which he claimed is inconsistent with the Federal Constitution.

“As for the amendment of the Federal Constitution, the support of two-thirds MPs is needed.

“The government can propose the postponement of the election if the pandemic is being considered to be declared an emergency under Article 150 (1) of the Constitution,” Takiyuddin said.

The polls can be conducted safely during the Covid-19 pandemic if the government expands absentee voting facilities to allow more voters to be registered as postal and early voters, suggested Bersih.

"New Zealand and the United States have proved that elections can be safely conducted where voters were allowed to vote over a period of time instead of in one day as we practised in our electoral system.

"As a result, overcrowding in the polls can be easily avoided and the voters' safety can be assured in the midst of a pandemic," said Bersih. - Mkini

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