Sunday, November 29, 2020

No one must dominate in coalition of Malay parties, says Saifuddin


Pahang PPBM secretary Saifuddin Abdullah, attending the Indera Mahkota Prihatin programme in Kuantan, said Malay parties uniting for GE15 must move away from the topic of dominance. (Facebook pic))

KUANTAN: There should be no issue of which party will be more dominant if PPBM, PAS and Umno form a coalition to face the 15th general election, said Pahang PPBM secretary Saifuddin Abdullah.

He said that in the current situation, all parties should be willing to work together and prioritise the people’s interests and welfare.

“Present-day politics should be viewed from the current situation. Let’s not be influenced by the old political framework which will make it difficult for us to work, as what is important is to place the people first.

“We should adopt an open attitude and the issue of who is riding (on someone) and dominating should not arise in forming a coalition of Malay parties.

“This coalition should be given a chance to serve,” he told a news conference after attending the Indera Mahkota Prihatin programme here today.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, in his policy address at the PPBM annual general assembly, said it would be good for all Malay Muslim leaders to be grouped under a major alliance to create stability in Malaysia, instead of being split into small factions.

Saifuddin, the Indera Mahkota MP, said the amendment to the PPBM constitution to enable non-Malays and non-Muslims to become associate members shows the party’s openness.

“We welcome them to join our party because we still respect and recognise other religions in line with Article 3 of the Federal Constitution which stipulates that Islam is the federal religion while followers of other religions are free to practise their own faiths,” he said. - FMT

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