Wednesday, November 4, 2020

PAC to give priority to postponed cases


The Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) will give priority to postponed cases, with at least three reports to be tabled in the next two weeks.

Its chairperson, Wong Kah Woh, in a statement today, said the cases included on Malaysia Sports School in Perlis; Road Charge Collection System (RC) and Vehicle Entry Record (VEP), as well as on the sale of land owned by Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL).

“Briefings regarding cases handled by the previous PAC which were postponed since last March have been given to the PAC members.

“The schedule for the PAC meeting within the next two weeks has also been arranged with the meetings to be held every day (morning and afternoon) throughout this parliamentary session,” he said.

Yesterday, Dewan Rakyat Speaker Azhar Azizan Harun, in a statement, said that 12 members of Parliament, including from the opposition, were appointed PAC members.

Wong said the PAC would also take steps to finalise the reports on Foreign Workers Control and Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS).

The new PAC, he said, also intended to recall Auditor-General Nik Azman Nik Mohamad and the chairperson of the Special Committee on Procurement, Governance and Finance, Ambrin Buang to brief the new PAC members on issues previously dealt by the committee.

The issues included on the Public-Private Partnership Unit (Ukas), Felda New Generation Housing; MAS Airlines Recovery Plan; Defence Ministry land swap, 1BestariNet and the Automated Enforcement Systems (AES).

He said a briefing would also be given by the auditor-general on the federal government’s financial statement for 2019, which will be tabled in Parliament this Thursday.

All PAC members will continue the spirit and tradition of the previous PAC which is to set aside their political ideologies attending the PAC meetings so that all PAC proceedings can be conducted without fear or favour for any party, he added. - Bernama

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