Saturday, November 28, 2020

Wan Fayshal confident Bersatu, allies can win two-thirds majority in GE15


Bersatu Youth chief Wan Ahmad Fayhsal Wan Ahmad Kamal is confident his party and its allies in Perikatan Nasional (PN) can win the next general election with a two-thirds majority.

“Budget 2021 has already passed the policy stage. If we maintain today’s momentum, have faith, we will not only be successful in the upcoming election, we will come back with a two-thirds majority which has not been achieved in almost two decades,” he said in a speech at the Bersatu annual general meeting (AGM) today.

The Bersatu AGM is being held via video conferencing due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Delegates gathered at specific locations in their own respective states to join in the video conference.

The Youth and Sports deputy minister said it is Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, who is also the Bersatu president, who has successfully led the fledgling party to break “the monopoly and birth two prime ministers” within a few years.

“If we are fighting on the battlefield, he is our general. If we are beset by waves in the ocean, he is our captain.

“Under his charismatic leadership, our party which is still new has successfully broken the monopoly and birthed two prime ministers.

“Who else could it be but Muhyiddin, our president,” Fayhsal said.

One of Bersatu’s main platforms is their fight for Malay and Bumiputera rights, he said, but they cannot deny the pluralism of Malaysian society.

As such, and in line with the Federal Constitution, he said Bersatu is also committed to uniting the society under the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

“However, this unity cannot be achieved alone but with our friends in Perikatan Nasional.

“Strength in diversity – which was proven to have been accepted by the public in Sabah recently – is our main offer to Malaysians,” he said.

Meanwhile, Bersatu Women’s chief Rina Harun also gave a speech at the AGM earlier this morning and spoke about the preparations they must make for the next general election.

She said the women’s wing must start mobilising earnestly so that the people can see that the PN government is one that understands what the rakyat wants and cares about them.

“As a mirror to the party, I urge all women’s wing members to abide by commendable practices and carry out your duties well. Serve the rakyat,” Rina said.

They must strengthen the party and show that the PN government is one that can bring Malaysia out of the Covid-19 pandemic, she added. - Mkini

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