Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Deputy minister denies flashing middle finger at opposition MPs


PARLIAMENT | Opposition MPs have accused Deputy Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Willie Mongin of making an obscene gesture in the Dewan Rakyat as the sitting was adjourned to make way for another bloc vote.

Fahmi Fadzil (Harapan-Lembah Pantai) and Kasthuri Patto (Harapan-Batu Kawan) took to their social media and posted about the alleged incident.

They accused Willie of showing his middle finger to the opposition MPs and demanded Speaker Azhar Azizan Harun take action. 

The session was, however, adjourned and their microphones were turned off.

Willie denied the matter.

"I would like to stress that the allegation is not true and maybe they had mistakenly seen it," he said after the session resumed.

Azhar, who presided over the session, had directly asked Willie whether he had shown the alleged offensive sign.

"I would like to explain that I did not show my middle finger, maybe they mistakenly saw, but if they thought that I did then I am ready to apologise," said Willie to further outcry from opposition MPs who insisted they saw the alleged incident.

Others on the government bench including Bung Moktar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan) insisted they did not see the incident. 

Earlier, a group of MPs were heard shouting "Puncak Borneo (Willie) tunjuk jari tengah!", after a heated argument that started during his speech to wind up the ministry's committee stage debate.

Chants of "pengkhianat" (traitor) were also heard from the opposition side moments before the alleged incident, but it was unclear who the remark was targeted towards. 

In an immediate response, Vivian Wong (Harapan-Sandakan) said the incident was shocking, particularly as Willie is not just an ordinary MP but also a deputy minister.

"He is not just demoralising the dewan but also all ladies.

"I also witnessed the PN leaders seated near to me asking Jelutong (Rayer) to show his middle finger as they don't know how and doesn't understand the meaning of that action.

"It is completely unacceptable," she told Malaysiakini.

Wong said leaders from the opposition bench had also attempted to get Noraini Ahmad (BN-Parit Sulong), who was seated near Willie, to confirm whether she had seen the act not only once but allegedly twice.

"But she refused to comment. She should stand up and just get Puncak Borneo to admit his vulgar behaviour.

"As the higher education minister, she should be a role (model) for the educators and students," said Wong. - Mkini

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