Friday, February 26, 2021

Puad to Muhyiddin: Umno will ditch PN


Umno supreme council member Mohd Puad Zarkashi has told Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin that his party will ditch Perikatan Nasional for the next general election.

This came amidst speculation that Muhyiddin had issued an "ultimatum" for Umno to decide by March 1 if it wanted to contest the next polls as part of PN.

"It is an open secret that Umno will leave PN after 118 out of its 147 divisions have already decided so. Muhyiddin should understand that the decision has already been made. It is just not official yet,” Puad was quoted as saying in an interview with The Malaysian Insight.

Puad, however, did not elaborate on what was the decision made by the rest of the divisions. Umno has a total of 191 divisions.

Most of Umno's divisions had rejected cooperation with Bersatu during their respective annual general meetings last month.

"The Umno supreme council had decided to leave the final decision to the Umno general assembly as there are 118 resolutions on the issue of whether to stick with PN for the 15th general election.

"However, due to the emergency, we have had to postpone our general assembly which was scheduled for Jan 31 to March 27,” said Puad.

He also accused Bersatu of betraying Umno during the Sabah state elections last year.

"We want honest political partners, not those who would stab us in the back. So there is no basis to accuse Umno of breaking up Malay unity, more so when Bersatu has stabbed Umno in the back. Once bitten, twice shy," he said.

He added that Umno may not go "solo" in the upcoming general election.

“Just because we reject Bersatu, it does not mean that we will contest by ourselves. We cannot be rigid at this moment and we can cooperate with other parties.

"Umno can still work with PAS or GPS and other parties in Sabah," he said.

Puad admitted there was opposition in the Umno supreme council as to whether it should cut ties with Bersatu for GE15.

"Yes, Annuar Musa is among those who do not want Umno to break ties with PN but we understand his reasons as he is in the cabinet," said Puad.

"Umno did not disappear after it was declared illegal in 1988, and it did not ‘die’ after losing GE14.

"Just like PAS, Umno is a party that is rooted with members on the ground but Umno is bound to die a slow death if it continues to be with PN which is politically dishonest and will stab us in the back," said Puad.

"Annuar has to accept that in a democracy, he will have to accept the majority decision," he said.

Puad said moving forward, the party may avoid clashing with PAS as multiple- cornered fights could lead to the defeat of the party's candidates.

Umno is slated to hold its annual general assembly on March 27 and 28. - Mkini

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