Monday, February 22, 2021

Umno Has Lost The Plot


That is what is currently going on, plain and simple. Malays place great importance on face and maruah. Biar mati anak, jangan mati adat. Those are Malay values. If the anak langgar adat, that brings great shame to the family name. So better the anak die then allow that to happen. Hence Umno is prepared to die trying to restore its maruah, as any ‘good’ Malay would do.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Quos Deus vult perdere, prius dementat. In English that means ‘those whom God wishes to destroy, He first deprives of reason’. And that is what seems to be happening to Umno. Umno seems to have lost the plot or is devoid of reason.

And this is sad because most Umno leaders are not stupid — unlike the Pakatan Harapan leaders, who are certainly a bunch of clowns. But when you are clouded or blinded by fear, hate, frustration, panic, or desperation, you tend to act without thinking about the consequences of your actions.

I mean, husbands murder wives and sons murder fathers in a fit of rage. Doctors call it ‘temporary insanity’, meaning at that particular point in time the murderer was insane or has lost his/her sense of reasoning.

Umno is giving an impression it is suffering from the affect of fear, hate, frustration, panic, desperation, etc. (Affect, in psychology, refers to the underlying experience of feeling, emotion or mood). Hence, Umno is doing things it would not usually do under normal situations.

For example, the Malay Mail Online reported this today:

Umno president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi described the Malaysian democracy as being wrapped in a shroud (kain kafan, used in Muslim burial), and labelled the system as now being dead.

The Bagan Datuk MP said that this was following the government’s decision to suspend Parliament, citing the Emergency Proclamation which was enforced owing to the worsening Covid-19 situation here. (READ MORE HERE)

In short, Zahid is saying the government, which Umno is part of, is not democratic or that democracy is dead.

But that is precisely what DAP is also saying. In Lim Kit Siang’s birthday message yesterday (plus so many times over the last 56 years), he said that Malaysia is a racist failed state, undemocratic, and a kleptocracy.

And why is Malaysia a racist failed stated, undemocratic, and a kleptocracy? Because of Umno, says Kit Siang, DAP and Pakatan Harapan.

Kit Siang says Umno destroyed Malaysia and Zahid Hamidi agrees with him

Hence Zahid is agreeing with the allegation that Umno destroyed race relations, democracy, parliament, the judiciary, the institution of the monarchy, etc., and turned Malaysia into a racist failed state and a kleptocracy.

In short, Umno destroyed Malaysia.

Why did Umno and Zahid not condemn Kit Siang, DAP and Pakatan Harapan? Why agree with them that Umno has destroyed Malaysia? Umno and Zahid should be attacking the enemy, not agreeing with their enemy that Umno has destroyed Malaysia. It does not make sense at all.

Umno has clearly lost the plot. But then we must understand that Umno had been in control of its destiny for 63 years from 1955 to 2018. And now Umno suddenly no longer has control of its future. What happens to Umno is now going to be determined by someone else.

Basically, Umno is desperate. They are prepared to gamble their future in an attempt to gain back control. But how can they gain back control if they play second fiddle to Bersatu and Perikatan Nasional?

Umno is no longer Number One and to become Number One again it has to leave Perikatan Nasional

After calling the shots since 1955, how to now be reduced to a charity case? As Lokman Noor Adam said, at the most Umno will be given just 50 or 60 Parliament seats to contest. Even if Umno wins all those seats, which is unlikely, that would be a far cry from the 100 or so seats they used to control.

The only way to win 100 or 110 seats would be to contest 130 or 140 seats, not just 50 or 60 seats. And the only way to contest 130 or 140 seats would be to leave Perikatan Nasional and contest against PAS and Bersatu in a three-corner or more fight.

So, this is not about Umno being a victim of Bersatu’s kezaliman or injustice, like what they say. Those are excuses just to justify their action and to give the impression that it is for noble reasons they want to break away from PAS and Bersatu and fight them in three-corner or more contests.

It is certainly a huge gamble but a gamble Umno is prepared to take if it means they are going to be back on top as number one and are no longer going to suffer the indignity of not being in charge any more.

Yes, face. That is what it is all about. Umno has lost face. Umno is now a wounded tiger, but still a tiger, nevertheless. And when a tiger is wounded another will challenge it for the number one position. So, for a wounded tiger to remain in control, it needs to finish off that threat to its position.

That is what is currently going on, plain and simple. Malays place great importance on face and maruah. Biar mati anak, jangan mati adat. Those are Malay values. If the anak langgar adat, that brings great shame to the family name. So better the anak die then allow that to happen. Hence Umno is prepared to die trying to restore its maruah, as any ‘good’ Malay would do.

Is Umno prepared to get wiped out in the Malay heartland like what happened in GE14? (SEE BELOW)



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