Monday, March 1, 2021

Govt formulates strategy on Covid-19 based on data


The government formulates strategies to control Covid-19 based on data and takes a targeted approach by implementing a stricter movement control order (MCO) at the location of infection said Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.

He said much was learned after a year of Covid-19 where, based on analysis of Covid-19 data, it was found that 10 percent of Covid-19 clusters contributed to more than 85 percent of cases in the country.

Economic activities, he said, would continue to open but subject to strict compliance with the standard operating procedures (SOPs), including observing physical distancing.

“Enforcement of the SOP will be enhanced. Stern action will be taken against those who defy the SOP to ensure economic activities and livelihood of the majority of people and businesses can remain open,” he said in a keynote address today.

He was speaking during the first anniversary of his swearing-in as premier, called One-Year Malaysia Prihatin.

The event combined the physical and virtual presence of cabinet ministers and Chief Secretary to the Government Mohd Zuki Ali.

The prime minister said although economic activities were opened, movement control was still needed, including for international and inter-state travel.

“The opening of such activities can only be done after the implementation of the immunisation programme reaches a certain level in terms of people's coverage,” he said.

Muhyiddin said the government was also formulating several additional measures, such as providing targeted assistance to vulnerable groups, especially the poor and those who lost their income.

The government is also taking steps to increase support for businesses, especially businesses that are still unable to operate and those that are in the process of reopening, he added.

The Pagoh MP said the public delivery system was also being focused on, especially to ensure aid reached the needy, expedite development projects, and reduce bureaucracy so that economic activities could be resumed, and encourage new investments, locally and from abroad.

Muhyiddin said the digitisation agenda was also being focused on, in line with the growth of new sources of wealth and the transformation of the country's economy in activities based on knowledge and innovation.

In the effort to curb the spread of Covid-19 and ensure the safety of the people, the Prime Minister said the government also intensified border control, improved existing detention centres, opened several temporary detention centres, and tightened control on foreigners entering the country.

He said the government would not compromise on the issue of undocumented immigrants, especially in an effort to curb the spread of Covid-19.

As of Dec 31 last year, he said 6,634 operations against undocumented immigrants were conducted, with a total of 22,522 undocumented immigrants and 387 employers were detained, apart from the uncovering of 11 syndicates and the arrest of 111 masterminds.

The government would continue to implement security and enforcement controls, especially during the MCO, while policies and laws relating to security would be enhanced to further strengthen enforcement.

Muhyiddin said border control would be a government focus through management and governance transformation.

A five-front approach that includes the northern border of Kedah, the northern border of Kelantan, the south, Sabah, and Sarawak will be implemented. This will involve the use of high-tech equipment, as well as setting up more control posts, border fences, CCTV, high-capacity radar, and drones.

The prime minister said the Covid-19 pandemic taught the country the importance of having the best health system.

The pandemic exposed gaps in the existing system, as well as the need for short and long-term measures to be taken to ensure that such extreme pressure is not put on the country's health system in the future.

Recognising the facts, he said, the government has embarked on a comprehensive study on the country's health system which is divided into two phases, encompassing projections and efforts that need to be taken for the period until 2030.

The ongoing first phase would examine the country's health system objectively and set out the main step that needs to be taken to strengthen the existing system, he said, adding that the second phase will focus on an action plan that would detail the steps that need to be taken to achieve the objective of creating a sustainable health system.

In his keynote address, Muhyiddin also thanked the cabinet, political party leaders, MPs, menteris besar and chief ministers, civil servants, security forces, government-linked companies, non-governmental organisations, the private sector, and Malaysians in general for supporting the government's efforts in managing the Covid-19 pandemic and reviving the country’s economy.

“Whatever achievements made by the country over the past one year and the coming years are done by all of you,” he said, adding that the Perikatan Nasional government will continue to care for the people.

While expressing his appreciation to the frontliners who had been working tirelessly in protecting the people against the disease, the prime minister also called on the people to register for the Covid-19 vaccination through the MySejahtera application.

Muhyiddin, who received the first dose of the vaccine on Feb 24 said: “Thank God, I am healthy and can work as usual. The vaccine is safe for me and God willing, it is safe for all of you.”


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