Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Hadi's advice to Umno: Don’t play rough and cause a split


A day after Umno decided to sever its ties with Bersatu, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang said one should not play rough with its friends and cause disunity.

Hadi (photo, above) said the problem is that there is disunity among Muslims.

"I was asked questions about the current political situation that is happening in our country. This is my answer.

"The problem we have today is the disunity among Muslims. And thus, PAS is bringing the agenda to unite the ummah. Ummah here means all Muslims and non-Muslims who are not extreme. This is our unity agenda," he said.

"So, do not play rough with friends. Instead, we must build relationships and unity among ourselves.

"Do not be the cause of a split. Be patient and become a peacemaker," Hadi said in a statement posted on Facebook today.

The Marang MP did not specifically mention who was being referred to in the message.

However, Hadi's advice comes after delegates at the Umno general assembly decided that the party would not continue cooperating with Bersatu.

The delegates also left it to Umno's top leadership to decide when the party would pull off its support for the current Perikatan Nasional government.

Hadi was present at the assembly on Sunday, but he declined to answer queries from the media when asked about Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's policy speech that touched on Umno discontinuing its cooperation with Bersatu.- Mkini

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