Friday, April 2, 2021

Umno’s dignity intact, we will not be bullied, says Zahid


Ahmad Zahid Hamidi says Umno’s decision to retract support for the Perikatan Nasional-led government was based on what the grassroots and delegates wanted.

PETALING JAYA: Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the party will not allow itself to be “bullied and destroyed”, following calls for its MPs to resign from their ministerial posts and step down as chairmen of government-linked companies.

“Umno has its dignity and pride,” he said in a Facebook post.

Zahid was responding to a report by FMT which quoted party firebrand Nazri Aziz as saying that ministers and deputy ministers from Umno who do not resign from the government will be seen as cowards who are disloyal.

The Padang Rengas MP had called out the party’s representatives in the government, saying they should quit Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s administration since Umno has resolved against working with PPBM in the next general election.

Zahid said the party’s decision to retract support for the Perikatan Nasional-led government was based on what the grassroots, delegates and Umno Supreme Council members wanted.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said all ministers and deputy ministers from Umno will remain in the government following his meeting with them on Monday.

Muhyiddin said he advised them to remain in the Cabinet in the interest of the people and country.

Earlier today, party vice-president Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the recent Umno annual general assembly did not pass any resolution to instruct members to resign from their Cabinet or government posts.

Youth and sports minister Reezal Merican Naina Merican also came out in defence of their decision not to resign, claiming that stepping down from the Cabinet would tarnish Umno’s name and image.

On a separate matter, Zahid said his refusal to disband Umno had led him down a difficult path, including not being appointed as a minister.

However, Zahid said, a ministerial post was not something he was vying for.

“My struggle is for religion, race and country, which I will continue (fighting for).” - FMT

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