Saturday, May 1, 2021

Hamid urges MACC to probe political ‘frogs’


Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Abdul Hamid Bador has urged the MACC to investigate elements of graft in political defections in the country.

He said while he fights corruption in the force, politicians who party-hop have made corruption into a habit.

“I fight corruption in the force, but I see corruption everywhere in power-drunk politics.

“One moment the ‘frog’ just there, another moment it croaks there. What’s that? Corruption,” he said at a press conference at the federal police headquarters in Bukit Aman today.


Hamid said the MACC cannot allow such defections to continue unchecked as though Malaysia is a lawless country.

“I ask the MACC to get involved. It is as though our country doesn’t have laws,” he said.

He also questioned the income of a politician who supposedly used a private jet, but did not name the politician in question.

“Where to get money to fly a private jet? We ask the MACC to investigate politicians,” he said.

Today is Hamid’s last press conference as the country’s top cop.

His deputy Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani will take over the reins next Tuesday. - Mkini

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