Sunday, May 30, 2021

Kelantan Sultan tells people not to enter state to reduce infection

 -Pic credit to FB @MEDIAPSKN

KOTA BARU: Sultan of Kelantan Sultan Muhammad V reminded those who have no urgent matters in Kelantan not to return to the state to reduce the risk of Covid-19 infection among the elderly and the high-risk group.

In a statement tonight, the Ruler also urged the people either in the state or those staying outside Kelantan to take the spike in Covid-19 infections in the state seriously.

"Those in the state or living outside Kelantan should play their role in protecting themselves and their families. I applaud the Kelantanese who have registered themselves for the Covid-19 vaccine jabs, but the registration percentage could be better.

"Kelantan is among the states with low registration at 33 per cent for the vaccination programme as of May 29," the Sultan said.

The Ruler also called on all state assemblymen to be ready to assist the people for the vaccination registration, especially those who had difficulties to go for the inoculation on the appointed day.

Sultan Muhammad V also thanked all the frontliners particularly the Health Ministry staff who had tirelessly served the community.

"I pray that all frontliners who have been relentless in their efforts to save and protect the people of Malaysia to be given the strength to continue doing so.

"Let's us play our roles by adhering to the standard operating procedures (SOP). Don't try to escape or refuse to be placed under lockdown and don't travel inter-state in our bid to arrest the increase in Covid-19 cases as soon as possible," said the Ruler. - NST

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