Monday, May 31, 2021

Kelantan's daily virus cases could hit 1,000 in June - exco


The number of Covid-19 cases in Kelantan is expected to reach 1,000 per day starting next month following a very high rate of infection within the community.

State Local Government, Housing and Health Committee chairman Dr Izani Husin said besides the infection rate, the failure to adhere to the standard operating procedures (SOPs) during the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration had resulted in the surge of Covid-19 cases in the state over the past few days.

“The ratio of infection to the population is extremely high. For example, Kota Bharu recorded 583 cases out of 100,000 people currently and we expect the number of cases to increase further as Covid-19 is already in the community on a large scale.

“We have reminded the people that if we do not adhere to the SOPs, the number of cases will continue to rise and we are right. Looking at the current trend, the number of cases in June could reach up to 1,000 per day,” he said.

He was speaking at a news conference after attending the state Security Working Committee meeting chaired by Menteri Besar Ahmad Yakob at Kota Darulnaim today.

Kelantan recorded 612 Covid-19 cases with 7,869 active cases yesterday.


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