Monday, May 31, 2021

LRT incident: 3 critically injured victims recovering well - minister


Three victims of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) mishap along the Kelana Jaya line on May 24 who are currently receiving treatment at the intensive care unit (ICU) of the Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL) are recovering well, said Transport Minister Wee Ka Siong.

“The medical team reported to me that all three patients showed good progress towards recovery and they are all in a more stable condition right now," he said in a post on his Facebook page last night.

Wee said a 37-year-old female patient who had undergone brain surgery on May 25 had made a good recovery and was under close monitoring by doctors.

He said a 52-year-old male patient also showed improvement.

The patient will be undergoing spinal surgery today (May 31) at a cost of RM24,000 for titanium plating, screws, rods, and others. It will be fully paid by Prasarana, Wee said.

Meanwhile, he said the condition of the third patient - a 26-year-old woman - had also improved, and she will receive further treatment by an ENT specialist and ophthalmologist.

He also expressed his appreciation to the HKL medical staff for working hard to provide the best treatment to the three victims of the incident.

"At the same time, I have also remained in constant communication with their (victims’) families these past few days. I and the entire staff of the Ministry of Transport are praying hard for their complete recovery," he said.

In the 8.33pm incident on May 24, a train without any passengers onboard collided with another train carrying 213 passengers in the tunnel between the Kampung Baru and KLCC LRT stations.


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