Sunday, May 30, 2021

Minister: Anti-vaxxers face action under Sedition Act, CMA


Anti-vaccination groups could risk action under the Sedition Act 1948 if found inciting people against the Covid-19 vaccine, said de facto law minister Takiyuddin Hassan.

Takiyuddin said action could also be taken under other existing laws, including the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, as well as the Emergency Ordinance 2021.

"For those groups, we don't need any new laws and instead, action can be taken under existing legislations.

"No need for new laws if found to be making seditious statements or challenging the law. If it's seditious or provocative, we will take action," Takiyuddin (above) said at a press conference in Kota Bharu.

The Kota Bharu MP was present at his office to oversee handing over of an RM20 token for vaccine recipients.

In 24 hours since the incentive was announced, Takiyuddin said over 100 vaccine recipients under the Kota Bharu parliamentary constituency had come forward to collect their token.

He said the amount was distributed from a federal allocation of RM20,000 for each constituency as an incentive for vaccine recipients.

"So, in Kota Bharu, I used the allocation to give a cash token to those who have taken their first or second dose, and we also provide transport to drive people to the vaccination centres.

"Even though the amount is small, it is intended to motivate the people, and we are offering it for a month," he said.

Malaysiakini previously reported that conversations with elderly folk in Kelantan indicate that a low vaccine registration rate was linked to transport issues, health issues and lack of awareness about the vaccine.

To date, Kelantan has the second-lowest registration rate for the Covid-19 vaccine after Sabah. - Mkini

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