Sunday, May 30, 2021

Why no Malaysian research on Sabah poll's effect on Covid-19?


MP SPEAKS | It is puzzling that there has been no research done by any Malaysia-based research centres on the exponential rise of cases leading to the third wave.

Meanwhile, a study conducted by Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health National University of Singapore that was recently reported in the press found that the Sabah state election held last year had resulted in an estimated 2,979 Covid-19 cases in the first few weeks after polling day.

This amounts to 70 percent of cases reported in the state from Sept 26, 2020 (polling day) until Oct 12, 2020 when the government began imposing the conditional movement control order in Sabah and several other states to curb the outbreak.

According to the study, from the month of June 2020 to the election day in Sabah, which was on September 26, 2020, there were only 16 cases per day in the country. After 17 days of the election the cases rose to 190 cases per day where 154 were reported in Sabah alone.

Yet, there have been no similar findings by Malaysian-based research, why is that?

The Perikatan Nasional government should be transparent with the people of Malaysia as the nation is struggling to cope with the record new infections and deaths due to Covid-19.

These studies have basically confirmed the widely held view among Malaysians that the Sabah election, which was forced upon the electorate by unethical political manoeuvring, has resulted in the catastrophic situation we find ourselves in today as cases have reached an unprecedented scale.

The reports signify negligence on the part of the Perikatan Nasional government that cannot be taken lightly.

It is simplistic to merely blame Malaysians for not adhering to the SOPs, while the obsession of power displayed by the PN leaders causes the nation to be severely impacted.

The blunder on the part of the PN government can be construed as negligence in protecting the national health and security of Malaysians.

One wonders whether the health crisis and the loss of jobs and income were in the minds of PN elites when they were orchestrating a coup in Sabah, when the whole country should have been geared into fighting a highly contagious virus.

It is time that Parliament is reconvened and make Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin answerable to this research. - Mkini

M KULA SEGARAN is Ipoh Barat MP and DAP national vice-chairman.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.

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