Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Azalina calls for a ceasefire among MPs amid Covid-19 pandemic


Pengerang MP Azalina Othman Said clarified that she was not talking about a unity government in her last statement but an emergency government, which is a different thing.

“I cannot speak on behalf of the Istana or the government but as an MP, there is a possibility that the emergency can get all political parties to work together, by setting aside their differences and prioritising the rakyat and the country.

“A ceasefire. Stand down. There will be no need for the government to feel like there is a movement to topple the government because an emergency government is seen as a war cabinet,” she said in a webinar last night on reopening the Parliament under the Covid-19 pandemic.

The webinar, which was jointly hosted by Bersih and Sinar Harian, featured Azalina and Subang MP Wong Chen as panellists, with political analyst Wong Chin Huat as the moderator.

Previously, Azalina had proposed that Putrajaya enacts an ordinance to allow Parliament to reconvene without any motions of confidence to be heard.

She had also proposed that an interim emergency government with an emergency cabinet be formed with representation from all political parties.

In last night’s webinar, Azalina said the emergency government need not comprise politicians only. Experts on relevant matters could also be included, such as Health Ministry director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, she said.

What is important, she said, is that everyone is united as "Team Malaysia" against a common enemy, that is Covid-19.

Webinar session moderator Wong Chin Huat

She said this is a chance for all political parties to set aside their mutual hatred and prioritise the rakyat by working together.

The bipartisan meeting in which the Johor sultan called for all Johor MPs and state assemblypersons to discuss the Covid-19 pandemic was a good move towards constructive cooperation, Azalina said.

When it comes to the possibility of some sort of political agreement amid the Covid-19 pandemic, Wong said he is open to the idea, but the ball is currently in the government’s court.

“The government has to show competency and legitimacy to rule. If they don’t have both and just use the emergency, then this country is doomed. It cannot go on like this.

“What is important is we have to find a solution. You have supreme power now (under the emergency), you don’t have to answer anything to us.

“Our constituents ask us about the pandemic and we also feel, at some point, there is no more fun in making fun of the government. When people are dying, it is not good to attack or criticise.

“If you have power and you are not performing, come and talk to us. Tell us what your terms are. We are willing to help but are you willing to accept our help?” the Subang MP added. - Mkini

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