Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Umno Yang Rosakkan Minda Melayu


This is what Umno has done to the Malays. Umno has damaged the mindset of the Malays and has taught the Malays that Malaysia belongs to the Malays and the government will spoon-feed the Malays so that the Malays do not need to usaha and ikhtiar. Minda Melayu rosak kerana Umno. Dan message inilah yang Dr Mahathir cuba sampaikan kepada orang Melayu.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

I get very angry when the Malays are called pendatang from Indonesia who stole Malaysia from the natives or the Orang Asli and that the Malays should leave Malaysia and go back to Indonesia. That is historically absolutely wrong. That is like saying the English are the pendatang from Sweden who stole England from the Druids and the Saxons and that the English should leave England and “go home” to Sweden.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was the first person to raise the “Melayu Gagal” mantra, long before the “Kerajaan Gagal” mantra became famous. He even wrote a book about the “Melayu Gagal” syndrome — The Malay Dilemma — which the Tunku Abdul Rahman government banned.

When Mahathir became Prime Minister, he mocked the Malays and said the Chinese pay 90% of the personal income tax even though they are only one-third of the population — evidence that “Melayu Gagal”.

The Chinese kept reminding us that the “best days” for Malaysia was when Tun Tan Siew Sin was Malaysia’s Finance Minister. The Chinese also said Singapore is great because it has a Chinese government, not a Malay government, and that the wisest thing Lee Kuan Yew did was to bring Singapore out of Malaysia and hence out of Malay hands.

Yes, I have heard it all in the 51 years since the New Economic Policy (NEP) was formulated in 1970. Melayu “Bangsa Subsidi”. The NEP is a “tongkat policy”. Umno politics is “Cash is King” (said Dr Mahathir himself). Malaysia needs a Chinese Finance Minister. Malaysia practices Apartheid.

Dr Mahathir said Umno politics is “Cash is King” and the Malays are “Bangsa Subsidi”

Basically, both Umno and the opposition have been mocking and shaming the Malays for more than 50 years by insinuating the Malays are an inferior race. The Malays cannot survive without handouts (subsidy). On a level playing field, the Malays will become “hamba di negara sendiri” (slaves in their own land). Without the NEP, the Malays will die. And, most important of all, WITHOUT UMNO, MALAYSIA WILL BELONG TO THE CHINESE LIKE IN SINGAPORE AND PENANG.

Today, the Malays are revealing what more than 50 years of conditioning and indoctrination has done to the Malays. Whatever the government does is not enough. It is still not even half of what the government should do. “Kerajaan Gagal” scream the Malays. Kita nak lagi banyak dari itu.

You would expect Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s announcement yesterday to be met with excitement like the Chelsea fans on Saturday night after winning the Champions League in Porto. Instead, it was met with gloom like the reaction of the Manchester City fans.

Nothing seems to make the Malays happy. If you give them one chicken, they grumble why not ten. And if you give them ten chickens, they grumble why not 100. You give them the entire henhouse and they will still grumble.

My favourite town is Phuket in Thailand. I used to go there often and once even spent a whole month there. Phuket was one of the worst hit places during the 2004 Asian Tsunami. The entire beachfront was totally wiped out. Parts of Kedah and Penang also suffered.

But the Phuket people licked their wounds, picked themselves up, and rebuilt the town and their lives. The Malays in Kedah, however, grumbled that they are only being given longhouses to live in, and bread and instant noodles to eat.

Yes, the Phuket people received nothing and yet many went to temples and shrines to pray and offer thanks to their deity that they are still alive. Malays, on the other hand, attacked the government for not giving them enough handouts or bantuan — and calls the government “Kerajaan Gagal” because the handouts and freebies are too small.

This is what Umno has done to the Malays. Umno has damaged the mindset of the Malays and has taught the Malays that Malaysia belongs to the Malays and the government will spoon-feed the Malays so that the Malays do not need to usaha and ikhtiar. Minda Melayu rosak kerana Umno. Dan message inilah yang Dr Mahathir cuba sampaikan kepada orang Melayu.



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