Friday, July 30, 2021

Friday Lite : More Really Dumb News

 I got up at five this morning and went around opening the windows for the cool air to fill up the house. A nice 25 degrees on the Celsius. It will usually last until about 9 am.

Checked my messages and flipped the headlines. Really the local news is getting dumber and dumber. 

A friend called last nite and asked 'Whats going on? Can you make head or tail of the situation?'  I said it looks like they want the Emergency Regulations back. Just last week everyone was screaming to revoke the Emergency, which the Government says it has done. But now the complaint is they did not do it in the correct procedure. So now they want the PM to resign - again. All roads seem to lead to this one track - the PM should resign. And this demand is coming from the failures.

So what is going on now? The Government says the Emergency has been revoked. The Opposition says it was not done properly. are you saying now that you want the Emergency Regulations to be re-revoked? Which is which? 

Kepada orang yang tinggi-tinggi saya ada sedikit nasihat : benda macam ini bukan berlaku tiap hari. Keadaan sekarang memang luar biasa. Kerajaan pegang majoriti tipis atau pun (Ismail kata) "110 : 110".  Totally unusual. Lepas itu kita kena Covid. Lepas itu ramai orang tak ada otak. So these are unusual circumstances.  Jadi dalam keadaan gelap begini just tread carefully. Jalan perlahan dan jangan terpijak paku atau duri. Tak payahlah heboh besar-besar bagi semua perkara. Angkat talipon dan "musyawarah" saja. It can save plenty of unnecessary aggravation. 

So here are some silly headlines from this morning:


  • Najib not convinced no confidence will be tabled against Muhyiddin 
  • “I do not believe there will be such a motion,” he said 
  • Najib earlier stated his support for Perikatan Nasional 
  • He said  PM's position could only be determined through parliamentary vote.
  • Najib faced a motion of no confidence in 2015 over 1MDB scandal
  • Last year, Najib was sentenced to 12 years jail and fined RM210 million

My comments : This is just Najib bullshit for "I support both the PM and the PN".  All this is just wayang. The Kluster Mahkamah folks really do not want to see a change in government now or a change in PM. Because they really do not know what a new government or a new PM would do. And it looks like Pintu Belakang is even further from even becoming AM.  Forget about PM.  

My comments :  Kerajaan gagal started with you 'doh. Despite all the bodowi, Abdullah did not lose the elections. You did. Then you got sentenced to 12 years in jail. What a jackass failure. And your greatest failure - you still have friends. I dont think you can understand this.

My comments :  Please do your Covid tests at Hospital Bahagia, Tanjong Rambutan. This way, if you are positive, you can straight away be quarantined for six months or maybe 12 months.  They have excellent facilities to take care of you - they even have padding on the walls. For your comfort. 

Kenapa Atok ini gila letak jawatan? Dulu tak ada siapa pun suruh letak jawatan tapi Atok pi letak jawatan. Sekarang Atok suruh orang lain pula letak jawatan. Letak jawatan, letak jawatan, letak jawatan. Atok tak tahu nyanyi lirik lagu lain ke? "My way" ke?   

My comments : Takiyudin memang otak lebai. Otak lebai ini kalau nak jual 2nd hand memang harganya sangat mahal. Sebab otak depa baru lagi. Jarang dipakai.  Oops .. jarang diguna.

Brother Art Harun, I would strongly recommend you to be the Elections Commissioner. You should have stayed in that job. And you would have done a good job there.  I would not recommend you to be the Speaker of the Parliament. 

In situations such as these, someone's head might roll.  

Bro, the cooler the head the less it will roll. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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