Sunday, August 1, 2021

No place for vaccine arrogance


From Yeap Ming Liong

The high daily number of vaccine doses administered of late must be commended. It is a step in the right direction to achieving herd immunity against the Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia.

News that more than 90% of the adult population in the Klang Valley receiving at least one dose of the vaccine by the end of the month is also very pleasing to note.

As we edge closer to achieving the proposed target of vaccinating the entire adult population by October we must also remember to not let our guard down in the fight against the virus. The SOPs are in place to protect you and me against the worst.

However, some individuals assume they are invincible upon achieving two doses and are somewhat careless when it comes to adherence with the SOPs. I do not need to state the obvious, and go down to the nitty-gritty of how these people do not comply with the SOPs.

I would instead like to focus on the fact that the attitude shown by these individuals is wrong and selfish.

Let me remind you that there is no place for vaccine arrogance in our society and community. Your assumption of being immune to the virus not only endangers yourself, but also puts innocent others at risk.

We all know of someone who lost their battle against Covid-19. The high number of deaths reported daily also serves are a grim reminder of the ultimate price paid for non-compliance with the SOPs.

No one deserves to be a victim of carelessness. It is simply not fair.

Just like you, I too would like for things to go back to the way it was before the pandemic struck. However, we are not out of danger just yet.

Our frontliners are still facing an arduous task. The duty of saving and protecting lives is not solely theirs to shoulder. Do not add on to their burden.

Let us unite and perform our patriotic duty to help the authorities bring down the high number of positive cases. This is our Malaysia. - FMT

Yeap Ming Liong is an FMT reader.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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