Thursday, September 30, 2021

Close to 10,000 Kelantan adults refused Covid-19 vaccine


A total of 65,727 adults in Kelantan have not received their Covid-19 vaccination so far, according to state executive councillor Dr Izani Husin.

From the number, 9,953 have rejected the immunisation without any valid reason, he said.

"Around 17,000 individuals were found to be unfit to receive vaccination, while 9,953 have declared that they do not want to be inoculated.

"So, the total number of individuals who cannot get vaccinated plus those who refuse the Covid-19 vaccine are 27,700," he said.

The Kijang state assemblyperson was speaking at a press conference after chairing the Kelantan Special Committee on Security at the Darulnaim Complex in Kota Bharu today.

Izani (above) is the state exco in charge of health, housing, and local government affairs.

According to him, the data was acquired through a study that was conducted by district officers in the state.

'Jew' conspiracy

He said those who refused to get vaccinated, when asked, gave several reasons including fear and conspiracy theories.

"Those who refuse to be vaccinated cited many excuses. Some fear to get the shots, some said that vaccination is an agenda of the Jews," he said.

However, he declined to label the group as "anti-vaxxers".

Instead, he said he still has hope for them to change their mind and get inoculated.

On the progress of the Covid-19 vaccination programme in the state, Izani said close to 1.04 million individuals have already received their first dose of vaccine.

That number covers 94 percent of the state's total adult population, estimated at 1.1 million.

"We expect that all vaccination centres in Kelantan can be closed in stages starting mid-October.

"This would be after all recipients get their second dose. So when the government announces that we are moving into the endemic phase, Kelantanese would also be ready to follow all the procedures," he added. - Mkini

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