Thursday, September 30, 2021

Former minister wants fresh probe into Tabung Haji

PARLIAMENT | Opposition MP Mujahid Yusof Rawa (Harapan-Parit Buntar) has called for an investigation into alleged irregularities previously identified in Tabung Haji.

Debating the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP) in the Dewan Rakyat this evening, he directed his call at de facto Law Minister Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar.

During the Pakatan Harapan federal administration, Mujahid (above) served as the religious affairs minister and oversaw the pilgrimage fund for Muslims.

“One example of a fully Malay-Muslim institution that was in a bad shape before we (Harapan) took over and later restored after we handled it with integrity and responsibility was Tabung Haji.

“Even though no investigations have been opened into Tabung Haji, I want to stress that five police reports have been lodged against it since 2018 but the Attorney General has not opened an investigation.

“Thus, I want to ask the law minister (Wan Junaidi) when this investigation will be done,” he asked during his speech.

Mujahid stressed that an investigation was needed and claimed the police reports contained credible allegations.

“These police reports have merit from the perspective of issues concerning a lack of integrity, irregularities, and abuse of power but until today there has not been an investigation.

“I urge that the Attorney General open an investigation into this,” he reiterated.

Deficit revealed during Harapan administration

Back in December 2018, then-minister Mujahid revealed that Tabung Haji had a RM4.1 billion deficit as of end-2017.

An independent review by PricewaterhouseCoopers found the government fund incurred RM4.3 billion in impairment losses in equities but hid this through creative accounting.

The firm further concluded that Tabung Haji hid its losses so it could issue dividends in 2017.

The Tabung Haji Act 1995 does not allow dividend distribution if the fund is in deficit.

Baling MP Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, who was the Tabung Haji chairperson from July 2013 to May 2018, is presently facing 13 corruption and money laundering charges.

He previously dismissed two police reports alleging mismanagement of RM22 million by the fund’s foundation while he was in charge, saying the reports harboured “bad intentions” against him.

In July this year, then-deputy prime minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced that the government will set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to scrutinise Lembaga Tabung Haji.

Now that Ismail Sabri is the prime minister of a new administration, he has not stated if this RCI will proceed. - Mkini

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