Wednesday, September 29, 2021

If mums can't pass down citizenship, then neither can dads, Azalina tells govt


PARLIAMENT | Azalina Othman Said (BN-Pengerang) has reiterated a call for the government to ensure equality in citizenship rights for parents.

This is after the government decided to continue appealing against a court ruling that would grant automatic citizenship to overseas-born children of Malaysian mums and foreign dads.

“If we want to be fair, I want to tell the prime minister and the ministers, be fair to all.

“If the mothers don’t get it (the right to pass down citizenship), then dads don’t get it too.

“I don’t understand (why the government is appealing the ruling), it is as though Malaysian women are inferior to Malaysian men,” she said in Dewan Rakyat today.

Azalina (above) also said that she did not see what could be the downside of the government accepting the court ruling.

Home Minister Hamzah Zainuddin had said that the government was appealing the court decision as there was a different court ruling on a previous case that sided with the government.

He said an appeal was necessary to avoid contempt of court, while “upholding” the Federal Constitution.

The government, he had said, is exploring the possibility of amending the constitution - which would require assent from the Conference of Rulers.

Azalina’s call for fairness was supported by Nga Kor Ming (Pakatan Harapan-Teluk Intan), who called on the government to withdraw the appeal.

The Umno lawmaker then replied that she supported Nga to be the third deputy speaker.

Azalina had made the remarks while debating the 12th Malaysia Plan.

Earlier, she remarked that in the government’s pursuit of physical development, they must not leave vulnerable groups behind.

“Basic and human rights must be the core of our country,” she said. - Mkini

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