Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Minister apologises over his driver's dangerous driving incident


Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) Ahmad Marzuk Shaary today apologised over an incident where his car was caught on camera being driven in a dangerous manner.

This came after a video clip went viral on social media and attracted criticism from the public.

It is learned that the incident happened in Kelantan where Marzuk's driver was rushing to pick him up and go to the airport.

In a statement, the Pengkalan Chepa MP said he would take responsibility for what happened and hoped the incident would serve as a reminder for him and his employees to improve themselves.

He said the case is being investigated by the authorities and the employee involved has also been called to give his statement.

"If he gets punished, I hope it would serve as something that would make a better person out of him and also for myself.

"I am ready to get punished in this world if it can absolve us from answering for the offence in the afterlife," Marzuk (above) said.

Toyota Alphard seen overtaking on double-lined road

Malaysiakini earlier today reported that the police have started an investigation into a luxury vehicle, said to belong to a deputy minister, for dangerous driving.

According to sources, the driver was rushing to go to the airport and had overtaken other vehicles on a double-lined road.

"The person involved was driving alone to go to his employer's residence before picking him up to go to the airport," said the source.

While the name of the Toyota Alphard's owner was not mentioned, many claimed the car belongs to Marzuk based on its registration number "P45".

Marzuk said human beings can't escape from making mistakes and welcomes criticism from others.

Every criticism, he said, was a process leading to self-improvement, especially for a leader.

"I truly apologise for this. I hope this incident gives us the opportunity to carry out our duty with more integrity in the future, for Malaysia and its people." - Mkini

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