Thursday, September 30, 2021

Ministers must announce 100-day report card to public: PM

All cabinet ministers have been instructed to announce their respective Report Card on 100-Day Achievement of Keluarga Malaysia Aspirations to the public.

Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob said this is to allow the people to assess the performance of ministers and their ministries in ensuring the wellbeing of Keluarga Malaysia (Malaysian Family).

He said the government has placed the achievement of Keluarga Malaysia aspirations as the utmost priority for each minister in giving their best service to the people.

According to the prime minister, the cabinet meeting on Sept 10 decided that the 100 days would begin on Sept 1, the day they had their first meeting.

“On Sept 24 and 29, I had held sessions with all 31 cabinet ministers to finalise their lists of proposed aspirations,” he said in a statement today.

The implementation of all initiatives for each aspiration was based on six key thrusts, namely restructuring the economy, assuring national security and public order, enhancing social wellbeing, improving overall infrastructure, strengthening unity based on the Keluarga Malaysia model, and empowering service delivery.

Joint coordinators

Ismail Sabri said the Office of Chief Secretary to the Government, the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Planning Unit (Mampu) and the Shared Prosperity Delivery Unit (Sepadu) will act as joint coordinator to ensure the success of the planning, implementation, monitoring and improvement of each aspiration proposed by the cabinet ministers.

The premier said the performance of each minister will be assessed based on three key elements, namely the ministry/department performance assessment, leadership assessment based on the effectiveness of the initiative and public perception assessment of cabinet ministers and the ministries/departments under their purview.

- Bernama 

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