Saturday, October 30, 2021

After Timah, govt to bar brand names that offend sensitivities


The award-winning Timah whisky has run into controversy over its name and the image used.

PETALING JAYA: The Cabinet has agreed to bar the production of goods with brand names that can affect the sensitivities of any race or religion, following the controversy over the name of a whisky brand, a federal minister revealed today.

PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man, who is also the environment and water minister, said this had been decided by the Cabinet.

“I have good news to share. We had a meeting with the relevant ministries and the company to voice our objections (to Timah),” he said at the PAS Youth Muktamar in Port Dickson.

“The Cabinet has made a decision that no manufacturer will be allowed to produce anything (brand names) that can cause unrest, especially in the context of race and religion.”

Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man.

In recent weeks, several parties had voiced their unhappiness over “Timah”, the Malaysian-made whisky, claiming it sounded like a shortened version of the Arabic name Fatimah and that the image of the man on the bottle looked like a person wearing a “kopiah” or a Muslim skullcap.

The word “Timah” refers to the Malay word for tin. Its manufacturer, Winepak, however, has said it plans to change the whisky’s name.

Tuan Ibrahim said there were those who tried to use the Timah issue against PAS but it had backfired on them.

He also revealed the Cabinet had agreed that plastic bottled water will no longer be served at all government meetings.

On politics, Tuan Ibrahim said it was clear that PAS was wanted by all parties, with both Umno and Bersatu wanting to work with the Islamist party.

“So I propose, why not we just use the PAS logo?”

Previously, Umno said it wanted to work with PAS in the upcoming Melaka polls, but said it must use its own logo.

This came after Perikatan Nasional said the coalition’s candidates, including those from Bersatu, PAS and Gerakan, will use its blue-and-white logo.

However, some, including Tuan Ibrahim, had said PAS should use its own logo. - FMT

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