Friday, October 29, 2021

Trapped in recurring political nightmare, M'sia yearns for young blood


The last general election heralded the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel but within a short span of 22 months, it metamorphosed into a freight train hurtling at full speed as politicians indulged in their favourite recreation - backstabbing - albeit in the throes of a pandemic.

With the same leaders on both sides of the divide and the same divisive politics continuing to hog the limelight, Zaid Ibrahim rued that the situation has become tiresome as well as a threat to the nation's future.

Therefore, he stressed that Malaysians should go into the next general election with new dreams, and for this to happen, the old guards must step aside or permit more younger leaders into the frontline.

Ironically, Zaid had campaigned for Dr Mahathir Mohamad in the last general election, which saw the nonagenarian becoming prime minister for the second time.

Quizzed on this, the former minister said Pakatan Harapan would not have been able to win the polls without the Mahathir factor.

“GE14 was a golden opportunity for the people to experience a different government since Merdeka. They were given the chance but Harapan leaders failed them.

“Failure was due to a variety of reasons but principally, PKR, DAP and Amanah did not know how to negotiate with Mahathir as to his tenure as a transitional prime minister. They did not insist on a date when Mahathir should vacate the seat in favour of Anwar Ibrahim.

Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and PKR president Anwar Ibrahim

“All they had was an agreement to agree. Other forces seized the chance and that is why we had one election in 2018 but have appointed three different prime ministers using musical chairs on rotation.

“A truly representative government is now dead. Even after the Malacca state election, it does not matter who wins or loses, so long as you are able to occupy the musical chairs, you will be in power. The people's mandate is just a ruse

“Covid-19 and the many more variants to come mean there will be no shortage of excuses to deny a free and fair election. The people are tired of this charade, but the leaders will continue to use them because that is how they claim legitimacy,” Zaid added.

Old guards think the country still needs them

Calling for the infusion of new blood in Malaysian politics, Zaid accused the old guards of being a stumbling block to progress and change.

“No one dares to ask Mahathir, Muhyiddin (Yassin), Anwar, Najib (Abdul Razak), Ahmad Zahid (Hamidi) and (Lim) Guan Eng to make way for younger leaders. They will not listen. They think the country still needs them. They think they can contribute in ways others cannot.

“The best we can hope for is for this group of younger leaders to approach the party elders to give them a chance to play a more prominent role. It will be heartening to see a group of fresh young leaders, preferably well qualified with no 'baggage' to be the face of politics in the country.

“Pre-2018, we had some exciting leaders in PKR, like Fahmi Fadzil, Nurul Izzah and Rafizi Ramli, and some from DAP like Hannah Yeoh and Ong Kian Ming. Amanah too had their fair share.

“They have somehow gone quiet, and this is worrying. Anwar must come forward and try to bring them back. Motivate and energise them. 

"Give them the voice. In Umno, the younger leaders like Shahril Hamdan and Khairy Jamaluddin are well entrenched and represent the new band of capable leadership for the country if BN wins the contest.

“Only a new crop of leaders can generate the level of excitement to make the next general election successful. As it is, it will be a lethargic and uninteresting affair to many voters if the current crop of leaders makes their rounds. There is nothing new they can offer to the people.

“What we need now is an efficient crop of politicians who can steer the bungling bureaucracy to make the engine of the nation run again,” he added.

Malaysia United Democratic Alliance president Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman

According to Zaid, Malaysia United Democratic Alliance president Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman is a beacon of hope and urged Harapan to bring him into the fold.

Terming race as a major distraction, the former leader said the nation is parched for intelligent leaders and civil servants.

“We need excellence, not mediocrity; brainpower, not old fashioned ideas. Race does nothing to improve the country's performance except kindle cheap emotions,” he surmised.

Voters must reject tainted leaders

Zaid also censured voters who do not care if a political leader is tainted or otherwise as long as he or she resonates with their beliefs or prejudices.

“They do not look for clean leaders in the traditional mould. They don't care if these leaders have cases in court. They don’t mind leaders who have a history of scandals and corruption. Tainted leaders are even welcomed,” he added.

Commenting on Harapan's chances in the next election, Zaid painted a bleak picture, claiming that the coalition brings little excitement to change the mood of the people.

He also criticised the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the government, arguing that the opposition continues to be sidelined.

“I was initially supportive of the MOU deal until the details were made known. They said the deal with the government was to bring stability and Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob will be able to do many good things for the country until July 2022.

“What sort of deal is this that Anwar had to beg for the Malacca election to be free and fair? And plead with the speaker to discuss a motion about Petronas and the Pandora Papers? Should not the deal entail quick changes to the standing orders so that Harapan will be given the respect to bring key motions for debates?

“As for the prospect of new select committees, how effective will these committees be when no details are made clear? Limiting the tenure for a PM to two terms is not a big deal when the country has already got three PMs in three years.

“When Harapan wants to negotiate with the government (and whoever else), they must not sell themselves cheaply. Why must Harapan be content to receive the parliamentary constituency allocation from the government and not insist the same allocation be given to Warisan, Pejuang and Maszlee Malik?

“The allocation should be given on the basis of equitable principle in a representative government, and not be contented just because Ismail Sabri had given it to Harapan but denies it to the rest of the opposition MPs. Harapan must not be short-sighted or willing to sacrifice principles when convenient to do so,” Zaid added. - Mkini

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