Friday, October 1, 2021

Harapan logo in GE15: DAP, Amanah say it's a done deal, but PKR still resisting


Pakatan Harapan has decided to use its logo for the next general election - at least that is what component parties DAP and Amanah claim.

However, there is still resistance from PKR, which is fighting for Harapan to use the party’s logo instead - as they did in 2018.

According to Johor DAP deputy chairperson Sheikh Umar Bagharib Ali and state Amanah deputy chairperson Suhaizan Kayat, the Harapan presidential council had made a decision on the matter on Aug 23.

This was reaffirmed by Harapan Youth chief Howard Lee today, who said the decision was in line with the coalition’s Port Dickson declaration in April to present a united front.

This was also corroborated by Amanah deputy president Salahuddin Ayub.

“If going by the retreat’s decision where I was present, that (using the Harapan logo) was what had been decided,” Salahuddin told Malaysiakini.

However, Harapan chairperson Anwar Ibrahim - who is also PKR president - has not made any firm and conclusive statement on whether the Harapan logo would be used.

On Sept 3, during a webinar hosted by the United Progressive Kinabalu Organisation (Upko), Anwar said the following when asked about which logo would be used:

“In principle, we have agreed on a logo. Previously we accepted the PKR (logo) because the Registrar of Societies did not recognise Harapan. Now Harapan is official.

“In the near future, we will decide. DAP and Amanah have agreed. PKR asks for some time to relay our views to the party machinery, then we will discuss it with our friends, including Upko and other opposition parties,” he had said.

Anwar added that using a single logo is more effective than contesting separately under different logos.

PKR president and Harapan chairperson Anwar Ibrahim

Jumping the gun

Later, on Sept 16, Anwar said that the matter was still being discussed and that both sides had strong merits to their arguments.

According to Lee, Harapan’s decision on the matter is clear and firm - the coalition’s logo will be used, and that Anwar's remarks had affirmed this.

He added that PKR had been given time to explain this to the party grassroots, as Anwar had asked for.

But it appears this has either not trickled down, or is still meeting opposition from PKR’s rank and file.

In a statement today, PKR Youth secretary Syukri Razab accused Lee of jumping the gun and insisted that the Harapan presidential council had not made any decision.

“Lee’s statement is shallow and rash as it precedes the Harapan presidential council, which has not made any decision regarding the logo.

“It is not wise for Lee to misuse the Harapan presidential council’s name to deny the merits voiced out by PKR’s grassroots,” he said.

Syukri added that the presidential council should commission an independent study to determine which logo the coalition should use in the next election. - Mkini

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