Monday, November 1, 2021

PRS Baleh division to pick Masing’s replacement


Joseph Salang Gandum says PRS had actually decided to retain all its incumbents for the next state election.

KUCHING: Parti Rakyat Sarawak’s Baleh division has been directed to recommend an election candidate to replace assemblyman and party president James Jemut Masing, who died today.

PRS deputy president Joseph Salang Gandum said the party’s supreme council had asked the Baleh division leadership to meet as soon as possible to come up with their decision as part of their preparations for the coming 12th Sarawak state assembly elections.

“Before this, we actually decided to retain all our incumbents for the coming election and the party had done all the preparatory work to defend Baleh. Now our task is to select the most suitable candidate for the seat,” he told reporters after chairing the PRS supreme council meeting at its headquarters here.

The meeting also discussed the funeral arrangement for Masing, who died at the Normah Sarawak Medical Centre here.

“We may not have other opportunities to group all our supreme council members before the election, so today we discussed what we had actually resolved all along with the late Tan Sri (Masing before his demise),” Salang said.

The Baleh seat was held by Masing for eight terms since 1983. The party holds 10 other state seats: Balai Ringin, Bukit Begunan, Batang Ai, Ngemah, Pelagus, Belaga, Murum, Tamin, Samalaju and Kakus. - FMT

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