Saturday, November 27, 2021

Sarawak PKR: Earlier Harapan seat deal now 'null and void'


SARAWAK POLLS | With nomination day for the state election just 10 days away, Sarawak PKR has said that a previous Pakatan Harapan seat negotiation deal is unenforceable.

Describing it as “null and void”, they said the deal was done solely between its previous leader Larry Sng and Sarawak DAP, purportedly without consent from PKR grassroots.

In a strongly-worded statement tonight, Sarawak PKR also blasted DAP for refusing to discuss a new seat deal over the past few months.

“Sarawak PKR has always tried to be magnanimous and practice the principle of ‘setiakawan’ among our coalition partners in Sarawak.

“However, we would like to state for the record that it is not us who are trying to cause issues in certain seats but (it is) Sarawak DAP who have refused to negotiate openly and transparently with us.

“For many months we tried to meet with Sarawak DAP’s top leadership to discuss the matter but were faced by blank refusals.

“We explained that owing to the departure of the former Sarawak PKR chairperson Sng from our party in February 2021, any personal agreement made by him with Sarawak DAP to be null and void as this was done independently without the knowledge and consent from our PKR grassroots leaders in Sarawak,” they said.

On Jan 2, 2021, Sarawak Harapan agreed that PKR would contest 47 seats, DAP 26, and Amanah nine. The agreement was signed by Sng, Sarawak DAP chief Chong Chieng Jen, and Sarawak Amanah chief Abang Abdul Halil Abang Naili.

A month later, Sng quit PKR to become a pro-Perikatan Nasional independent lawmaker.

Chong has insisted that the Harapan seat deal was binding despite Sng’s departure.

Clash over four seats

Chong announced DAP’s candidates for 18 seats earlier today, including for the Kemena, Senadin, Pujut, and Piasau constituencies.

Tonight, Sarawak PKR said it previously requested to contest in these four seats but DAP “refused to engage in any negotiations”.

“With this, we ask Sarawak DAP - where is the partnership and consensus-building? Coalition consensus-building must be done respectfully, openly, and transparently.

“Building a strong opposition in Sarawak that can effectively bring about reform and change is not just about dominating Chinese majority seats in the towns.

“The opposition coalition in Sarawak needs to be effectively led by a team of multiracial leaders, with strong grassroots support, in order to reach out to the people of Sarawak’s rural heartland,” it said.

Sarawak PKR has yet to announce its list of candidates.

Nomination day for the Sarawak election is on Dec 6. Polling day is on Dec 18.  - Mkini

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