Monday, November 1, 2021

Selangor BN and Bersatu crossing swords over logo


A Selangor Bersatu Youth leader has refuted claims by Selangor BN information chief Isham Jalil that Bersatu was having second thoughts about using the Perikatan Nasional (PN) logo during the Malacca elections.

In a statement today, Selangor Bersatu Youth exco member Khidir Jamil said the fact that Bersatu was using the PN logo for welfare activities throughout Malacca showed that this was not true.

He also refuted Isham's claims that Bersatu's mission during the Malacca elections was to split the Malay votes in favour of Pakatan Harapan.

"Don't point fingers at Bersatu for splitting the Malay votes. The question is: Is Umno (the leader of BN) still qualified to receive votes from the Malays since they are the cause of the Malacca elections?

"Who exactly is trying to split the Malay votes?" asked Khidir

Khidir said that now there were claims that there were backroom negotiations between Bersatu, PAS and Umno for the Malacca elections, it would suggest that Umno needed an alliance.

"If (there are negotiations) then it shows that Umno is afraid to go into the polls alone as claimed by the Umno president recently," said Khidir.

Khidir was responding to a Facebook post by Isham yesterday who claimed that Bersatu was no longer sure of what logo they wanted to use for the Malacca elections.

"If they use the PAS logo, they are likely not to get non-Malay votes. If they use the PN logo, they will likely lose the PAS vote.

"In both cases, Bersatu knows it is difficult for them to win any seats. Moreover, they have a terrible 39 track record in government (since May 2018)," said Isham.

Isham also accused Bersatu of harbouring an agenda to split the Malay vote to prevent BN from winning.

"Then they will help Harapan win by splitting the Malay vote, just as they did during the 2018 elections," said Isham, while perverting Bersatu's official acronym PPBM as "Parti Pemecah Belah Melayu" (party that divides the Malays). - Mkini

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