Saturday, November 27, 2021

The shine is coming off Anwar


Pakatan Harapan supporters are going cold on opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim.

One former supporter said, "His track record of several by-election defeats is nothing to be proud of."

"Does he have a strategy? He cannot perform in Malacca. How will he fare nationwide in GE15?" said another.

"He dissed his critics."

"The sheen has been coming off Anwar for many months. Malacca was the final straw. We had to speak out."

"This is 2021. Not 1998. Reformasi is morphing into Reformati."

"Harapan is storing up massive trouble for the future, especially for GE15."

Anwar's supporters claim he is a brilliant orator. Many are impressed when his speeches are laced with Arabic phrases, and quotes from philosophers and poets.

Last week, when confronted with calls to step down, Anwar resorted to obfuscation.

Assuring us that he would look into the matter, he said "opinions shouldn't be deemed as arrogant as they could trigger negative reactions". What was he talking about?

Negative reactions from whom? From his supporters? From his inner circle?

Anwar may consider the calls for him to step down as acts of arrogance. In 21st century Malaysia, filial piety and deference to elders is still observed by many families. Younger PKR members may be forced to suppress their desire to show their mettle for fear of being seen as trying to outdo Anwar.

If Anwar continues to be ambiguous, Harapan will not win GE15. The message from leaders should be clear and in simple, straightforward language.

Anwar said that he would take responsibility for Harapan's performance, but refused to leave. He confirms earlier suspicions that Anwar listens to only one person - Anwar.

Perhaps, that may explain why many capable men and women have left. His refusal to listen has taken a toll on the party and the Harapan coalition.

The four frogs

The public has warned against compromising on principles. They said that the Umno turncoats were traitors. Anwar disagreed and treated them as heroes.

After the Malacca defeat, he said that "Harapan leaders in the state were appealing that we agree on the participation of the four (Umno frogs) to reinstate the mandate to Pakatan".

Isn't he the Harapan chairperson and PKR president? Doesn't he have the final say? Could he not see that he was jeopardising our trust?

After Harapan's abysmal performance and PKR's loss, Anwar was essentially saying to us, “Nothing to do with me. The other leaders, Mat Sabu and Guan Eng, made me do it!”

So, if his close aides think it is unfair of his critics to ask just Anwar to step down, then the solution is simple. He and his inner circle should take responsibility and resign en masse.

He said that Harapan would engage an independent committee to study Harapan's defeat. Why waste more time, money and resources? If he refused to listen to grassroots supporters, why would he pay any attention to the independent committee?

Anwar said that Harapan's defeat had to be analysed in all aspects because the sentiments of the Chinese, Indians, and Malays are different.

So, when will he and his team start the new narrative of reassuring the Malays that the non-Malays are not out to take over the country?

During canvassing in Malacca, there was much emphasis on the convicted felon, Najib Abdul Razak, and his RM100 million house and 1MDB.

They largely ignored the bread-and-butter issues of the Malacca people scarred by the slowdown in the economy, the loss of jobs, the fear of the coronavirus pandemic, and the rising cost of living.

Harapan showed that they lacked integrity and principles. In their desperation to win, they fielded two political turncoats. They were defeated, but more importantly, Harapan lost our trust.

Eye off the ball

A major part of the problem is Anwar's huge ego and his obsession with numbers.

Someone ought to teach him how to play poker because he keeps revealing his hand. When he wants to impress Parliament that he has the numbers to form a new government, he cannot help showing off that such and such a politician will team up with him. Each time he does that, Umno undermines him and robs him of the element of surprise.

His obsession with the top job (PM) means that he has taken his eye off the ball. He wants to please everyone, especially the Malays, that in the end, he pleases no one.

In our Asian culture, our deference to elders can sometimes be a stumbling block. Ambitious children may not be allowed to spread their wings and in many cases, may find their true passion, only after they have left home.

One Malay girl I knew wanted to be a pilot but her parents thought that single women should not move away from the home, or even work overseas. She wanted to be independent, travel and also see the world, whilst working.

The parents opposed her plan to be based overseas. They were prepared to stop funding her higher education. If necessary, they would force her to pursue a local course as a teacher, or enter the civil service.

This is probably what is happening in PKR. The younger people with modern ideas, creative solutions for a multiracial Malaysia have to kowtow to Anwar and the old guard. He is probably set in his ways and the younger ones are unable to bring themselves to menentang (oppose) an older, senior person.

Anwar being Anwar will probably resent any attempt for a younger person to usurp him.

Harapan supporters going cold on Anwar have every right to do so. Anwar should not take the criticisms personally. It is not about him. The supporters are only thinking about Malaysia. - Mkini

MARIAM MOKHTAR is a defender of the truth, the admiral-general of the Green Bean Army, and president of the Perak Liberation Organisation (PLO). Blog, Twitter.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.

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