Sunday, December 19, 2021

16 Sabah PKR divisions call for Christina Liew’s head


Christina Liew looking at the list of state division chiefs calling for her to be replaced.

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah PKR divisional leaders have urged party president Anwar Ibrahim to replace state chairman Christina Liew.

Keningau leader Sangkar Rasam, speaking on behalf of a group of 16 divisional leaders, contended that Sabah PKR could only be strengthened in facing the coming general election if there was a new leader.

He added that they had informed Anwar of their stance and were waiting for his decision on the matter.

Sangkar Rasam (right) and another PKR division chief showing the document they signed calling on Anwar Ibrahim to name a new Sabah party leader.

In response, Liew played down the move by the 16 divisions, saying: “I will leave it to the president, this is his authority.”

The 16 leaders who are believed to have endorsed the move were Sazalye Donol (Kota Marudu), Simsudin Sidek (Labuan), Dausil Kundayong (Tuaran), Franti Kuntau (Papar), Wendey Agung Baruh (Sipitang), Peter Sumping (Ranau), Raymond Ahuar (Pensiangan), Matusin Apang (Batu Sapi), Sahrudin Harol (Sandakan), Romansa Lamin (Silam), Sahrul Zakaria (Kalabakan), Barani Ampise (Tenom), Roslan Hussin (Kimanis), Abdul Gani Zebika (Tawau) and Rasam (Keningau).

Liew said she was too busy promoting the party for her to be worried about the demand. “I will be more worried if I cannot promote the party. I don’t want a repeat of Sarawak,” she said, referring to PKR’s heavy loss in yesterday’s Sarawak elections.

“After the Melaka and Sarawak polls, my immediate reaction is for PKR to win more seats (in Sabah). That is my number one concern and priority,” she said. - FMT

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