Friday, December 17, 2021

Brader Ismail Sabri, Low Yat 2 Fail, Low Yat 3 Auta, Diskaun Saman PDRM Haru-Biru, Akta 342 Postpone, RFID Is Next? 5G? Bank Negara Fiasco?

 Recently our very humble new PM Ismail Sabri gave himself a 90% passing mark. 90% is an A.  The PM is very humble. He did not give himself 100% which would be an A+.  He is happy to be an ordinary A.

Regardless of his 90% here are some things Brader Ismail Sabri should bear in mind.

1. His previous attempt at creating Low Yatt 2 failed miserably. Now he is proposing a "Low Yatt 3" - where 30% of retail spaces at certain shopping malls must be allocated for bumiputeras. I say Brader Sabri what about in the hundreds of towns that do not have malls or shopping complexes? 

The majority of Malayia's 33 million citizens live OUTSIDE the Klang Valley and outside the major cities.  The bulk of the population lives in the daerah-daerah surrounding places like Machang, Kuala Lipis, Gerik, Baling, Beruas, Bagan Serai, Merlimau, Rompin, Gemas, Tuaran, Semporna, Sri Aman, Kanowit where there may be one or just a few shopping malls. Or no shopping malls. What about bumiputera retailers in the small rural areas and the kampongs? How are you going to enforce 30% retail space for them? 

Or is there someone who is ready to make some money from Low Yatt 3?

2. The Summons Discounts by the Police had to be amended THREE times before they got it right. 

First the Police said 80% discount for KL and 70% discount outside KL. When people complained they amended it. 

Then they said in KL we must pay only at the KLCC. When people complained (and the crowds became too big) they shut down KLCC and told people to pay at the Balai Trafik.

Then they gave only FOUR days to pay the summons. It became like the Amazing Race where we had to rush to pay the summons. When people complained they extended till 31 December 2021 (thank you). 

Why cannot the government think things through completely before implementing its policies? Each time you implement these silly policies you lose votes. Brader Sabri I think you lost another 10,000 votes because of the Diskaun Bayar Saman fiasco alone. Everytime the government bungles you lose votes. 

3. Akta 342 Postpone Pula - Another Akta Auta 

KL, Dec 16 — govt postponed  controversial Act 342 amid strong public protest
increase RM1,000 compound to RM10,000 (individuals), RM500,000 (companies)
raised concerns over potential abuse

OSTB : "potential abuse" means rasuah lah. 

Brader Ismail, this is Malaysia. 
The more rules you have the more rasuah you will create. 
The more Akta you make, the more rasuah you will create. 
The more 'perlu isi borang' the more rasuah you will create. 
The more "lesen dan permit" you have, the more rasuah you will create.
This is Malaysia lah. This is not Switzerland, Singapore or other negara kafir. 

Apa pasal nak denda banyak-banyak, buat apa? Bayar kompaun RM1,000 cukup lah. Sekarang ramai orang sudah di vaksin dua pusingan. Now we are waiting to be called for Booster Shot. So no need to kompaun RM10,000, RM500,000. 

Brader Ismail Sabri - I think you have lost another 100,000 votes over this Akta Auta 342.  Kalau macam ini, kau tak boleh tahan lama bro. You are going to get kicked out - sebiji serupa Najib, Dr Mahathir and Tan Sri Muhyiddin. Better watch out. 

(And satu lagi perkara Brader Ismail, please tell Khairy to hurry up the Booster Shots for the Sinovac recipients. Sinovac lasts THREE months. It has been more than THREE months since people received Sinovac shots. Tell Khairy to prioritise. Also where are the notifications from MySejahtera for the third Booster shot for Pfizer and Astra Zeneca recipients? We are all waiting for the notification from My Sejahtera tapi belum dapat pun). 

4. RFID can be the next fiasco.

Brader Ismail, let me give you some free advice. The RFID may be the next fiasco. 

The "threat" that I see is in the RFID Tag. Depa suruh kita tampal the RFID tag on the OUTSIDE of the windscreen (left side) or ON the car headlamps. Outside. Tampal di luar.  (Possibly because the RFID cannot penetrate the windscreen glass).

We usually tampal all our tags and stickers inside the windscreen - Road Tax, Smart Tag, Car Park sticker, Golf Club sticker, Prime Minister's Office parking sticker etc.

The RFID tag pula dia suruh tampal di luar windscreen. Even if they cannot do anything with it the bebudak drug addicts are going to steal them. People with itchy fingers will try to remove them etc. The RFID Tag is also connected to the e-wallet etc. If we are forced to tampal the RFID tag on the OUTSIDE of the windscreen then someone might buy a cheap Made in China scanner and steal our confidential information. 

Brader Ismail Sabri - this is advance notice for your benefit. You better check this out. Silap haribulan bro, hang boleh hilang lagi 100,000 undi. You might not be the PM for very long.  

5. 5G and Bank Negara.

Nanti saya cerita kemudian lah. Letih dah.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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