Thursday, December 16, 2021

Dr M's New Book 'Capturing Pakatan Harapan' Is Being Given Away For Free. Who Will Read It?


Yes the e-book version is available for free at the publisher MPH's website.  I dont think this e-book is going to sell much so maybe it is a good idea to give it away for free.

Then what happens to any printed versions? If the e-book is free then the hardcopy version will also not sell. But there is nothing new in the book. Yes I glanced through it. 

MPH is of course owned by Dr Mahathir's good friend, who by the way is also the main shareholder behind the company which was "forced" (by Tony Pua) to reduce RM8.2 Billion from its contract price for that project for which Dr Mahathir has denounced Tony Pua in the same book.

A good deed is a good deed ok. Whether you like him or not if Tony Pua has saved Malaysians RM8.2 Billion then that was a good deed. 

Not surprisingly Dr M does not mention the savings of RM8.2 billion in that project. Or the  name of the company.  By the way for Dr M's information his friend's family hails from Manshera in Khyberpakhtunwa, Pakistan. Bukan Yemen lah.

Dari Kerala sampailah ke Manshera kita sudah ...

I must however record my eternal thanks to Dr Mahathir for keeping that Panglima Pintu Belakang fellow from the PM's Office.  A thousand thanks.

I believe the intended title of the book was actually "Capturing Pakatan Harapan". 

First off I thought 'Capturing Hope' was grammatically not sound. You give hope, you have hopes, you have the audacity of hope (Obama's book) but 'Capturing Hope' does not sound right unless it is about  grabbing a girl (or guy) named Hope.  

Then I read this in the Intro or somewhere :   "And so Bersatu became part of the Opposition coalition called Pakatan Harapan—the “Coalition of Hope”.

the “Coalition of Hope”  -  So that is what this is all about. Capturing the Coalition of Hope, capturing the Pakatan Harapan. 

Indeed the nuts do not fall too far away from the tree. Folks, you all have been conned again. Con me once shame on you, con me twice shame on me.

Here are some short snippets from the book:

1.  This backdoor Government has no policies for economic recovery or visions for development to bring Malaysia through this crisis.

OSTB : Err...can we back track a little? Who was in charge for 22 years that brought the country to this state? As Siti Kassim rightly pointed out, guess who empowered the religious nuts in the country? Who amended the laws that gave them so much say? It was not Lee Kuan Yew. Economic recovery? Recall Perwaja? Proton? Recall The Loaf? All failed in the end. 

Dr M says the toll roads could not be abolished. Really? In which surah in the Quran does it say that? The major shareholder of the toll roads is the Government. The people. Why cant the people abolish a blood sucking monster that impoverishes them?

The reality is over the past 25 years the toll roads have become a multi billion Ringgit crony ecosystem. The billions of Ringgits in maintenance contracts, landscaping contracts, equipment supply contracts etc. Plus the army of requisite company chairmen, CEOs etc who are paid millions in salaries just to collect the tolls. If the tolls were removed this huge bumiputera "rent-collecting" ecosystem would be endangered. Not to mention the required number of sycophants to attend the Open House once a year could also shrink drastically. Maybe Seargent York would have to be invited in appreciation of long service. 

2. To  this day, I believe that the Pakatan Harapan Government of 2018–2020,  with our policies and commitment to a cleaner, better future, was the right path for Malaysia. And in the short period it governed the country, it did much to reverse the abuses of the kleptocrats.  We were betrayed.

OSTB : The people were betrayed. Dr M made fun of the manifesto. At least the top five items on the manifesto should have been given to the people. (Again here I record my thanks to Nurul Izzah who insisted that the GST must be abolished. Thank you so much YB Nurul.)  Because Dr M betrayed the people, so the people kicked him out. The PH lost SEVEN by elections. And in the last one Tg Piai the PH almost lost your deposit. This is not mentioned in the book. That is why the other party leaders betrayed Dr M. They kicked him out. They saw that he had lost the support of the people. 

3. The Quran stipulates that Muslims have both personal and communal responsibilities in this world. As articulated in the fardhu khifayah, which is a legal obligation in Islam, Muslim communities must provide for their own well-being to ensure peace and stability.

OSTB : Bla bla bla. To be precise the words "fardhu khifayah" are not mentioned in the Quran.  It is a concept developed by the teachers of jurisprudence or usul fiqh.  Dr M has still not learnt to differentiate between what is in the Quran and what is not in the Quran.  

There is nothing new in the book. If at all it is still a "To Do List". A list of things that still need to be done. Meaning they are not done yet.  It is still a record of failure.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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