Thursday, December 30, 2021

It was clear who I was referring to, says Gomez


From Edmund Terence Gomez

I refer to news reports on the statements made by Borhan Dolah, the chairman of the Consultation and Corruption Prevention Panel of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), about my resignation from this panel.

Borhan states that my emails to him do not name Azam Baki, the MACC chief commissioner. What he disingenuously fails to disclose is that in my emails, I had five attachments with reports and information on Azam’s direct and indirect business ties.

The names of other individuals, including that of a previous MACC chief commissioner, are also listed in these attachments.

I have appended here for the press these attachments. I leave it to the editors of these media organisations to decide if the contents of these attachments should be disclosed.

I see no value in engaging in an extended exchange with Borhan about our email correspondence. Instead, I am attaching here all email communications between me, Borhan and Abu Zahar Nika Ujang, the chairman of MACC’s Anti-Corruption Advisory Board. I have not amended any of the contents of our email correspondence.

I am disclosing our emails because I do not wish to detract attention from the core issue at hand. An immediate investigation is imperative of the serious allegations about Azam’s business-related activities. -FMT

Editor’s note: FMT is withholding the contents of the emails and attachments.

Edmund Terence Gomez resigned from the MACC’s Consultation and Corruption Prevention Panel on Dec 27.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKTt.

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