Saturday, December 18, 2021

Malaysia’s Political Turmoil Is Good For The Raja-Raja Melayu


Malaysian politics is in a mess. And that means no one is strong enough to be a threat to the Raja-Raja Melayu. So the messier it gets the better. As Anwar Ibrahim says, “Lawan tetap lawan!” Yes, continue to lawan amongst yourselves, suckers!


Raja Petra Kamarudin

While we wait for the Sarawak state election results, allow me to pen my thoughts on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s comment that the role and function of the Raja-Raja Melayu needs to be reviewed.

Those who know me well do not quite understand why I am a staunch PAS supporter considering I am a liberal (which is why I am a member and contributor to the Liberal Democratic Party here in the UK).

Those who do not know me think that I support PAS because I am a religious extremist, maybe even a supporter of the Taliban, Islamic State, etc.

The real reason I support PAS is because PAS is a royalist party. During the 1980s Constitutional Crisis, PAS was the only party that stood behind the Raja-Raja Melayu when everyone else supported Mahathir’s attempt to turn Malaysian into a republic.

When DAP and PKR defied His Highness the Sultan of Selangor regarding the choice of the Selangor Menteri Besar, PAS supported the Sultan.

And that is why I support PAS.

And the ongoing political crisis is good for the Raja-Raja Melayu. The weaker the political parties get, the stronger the Raja-Raja Melayu become. So the headlines below warm my heart.

Malaysian politics is in a mess. And that means no one is strong enough to be a threat to the Raja-Raja Melayu. So the messier it gets the better. As Anwar Ibrahim says, “Lawan tetap lawan!” Yes, continue to lawan amongst yourselves, suckers!


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