Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sarawak Polls 18 Dec 2021 : As At 10:25 PM GPS Wins 67 Seats (Past 2/3 Majority), DAP Only 2, PKR ZERO, PSB 5 (?)


Well its like the Melaka State Polls. The BN is back with a vengeance. Its just after 10:25 PM now and it looks like the GPS has won over 67 seats (and still counting).

The DAP so far has won only two seats.  PSB has shown a better showing with at least 5 seats. 

The PKR has won nothing. Not only that but the votes for the PKR are ridiculous. In Ba'Kelalan the PKR won 57 votes only.  In Kakus the PKR won 375 votes and 268 votes in Batu Danau.

Voter turnout was low (at around 55%?) but still the GPS has won huge.

It is time for Mr Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng to exit the DAP. It is super high time for younger DAP leaders like Liew Chin Tong, Ong Kian Ming, Anthony Loke and of course Hannah Yeo to take over playing leadership roles in the DAP.

The PKR is officially dead. Brader Anwar is a political liability.

Not only must Mr Lim and Guan Eng leave but the DAP must break with Brader Anwar yesterday. 

The PKR also must break with Brother Anwar. It looks like the entire family including Wan Azizah and Nurul Izzah have to exit the scene entirely. 

Wan Azizah served the country most admirably as our first female Deputy Prime Minister. Ok she did not solve the 10,000 problems that we have but she was a non controversial and uniting factor. We owe her much gratitude. But the reality is she has served her purpose well. It is past tense now.

Back to the DAP - they need to form new alliances. Warisan is spreading their wings to the Semenanjung. Can talk lah. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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