Friday, December 31, 2021

Strong waves in Mersing, beach-goers advised not to go near the water

 Visitors to beaches in the district, especially Pantai Air Papan, have been advised against going near the water due to strong waves. -NSTP/NUR AISYAH MAZALAN

MERSING: Visitors to beaches in the district, especially Pantai Air Papan, have been advised against going near the water due to strong waves.

However, checks at Pantai Air Papan today saw visitors approaching the water despite the advisory.

Lifeguards from the Civil Defence Force (APM) were at the beach to monitor the visitors and advise them against going into the water to prevent any untoward incidents.

Red flags have also been raised along the beach to warn visitors on the potential danger.

APM lifeguard Norhizam Side, 43, said waves at the beach reached as high as three metres and were dangerous.

He said the waves at the beach usually rose as high as 0.5m at the most.

"Three lifeguards are on duty from 8am to 7pm everyday in order to ensure that visitors adhere to the advisory.

"We have also been instructed to improve the monitoring system during the rainy season, since it is now school holidays and there are a lot of visitors at the beach."

Norhizam said visitors were not allowed to go beyond the areas dotted with red flags.

Visitor Fatiana Mohamed, 43, said she came to the beach with her nine family members in conjunction with the school holidays.

"I forbid my children from swimming in the sea after seeing the red flags. We only sat down for a picnic and fly kites. We do not dare get near the water," said Fatiana.

Meanwhile, Mersing District Office has activated the district flood operation centre (PKOB) in preparation for flood following continuous rain in the district.

District Officer Mohd Radzi Mohd Amin said this would enable various agencies to prepare for rescue efforts and relocation of residents to temporary relief centres.

Red flags have also been raised along the beach to warn visitors on the potential danger. - NSTP/NUR AISYAH MAZALAN
Red flags have also been raised along the beach to warn visitors on the potential danger. - NSTP/NUR AISYAH MAZALAN

He said residents in low lying areas had been advised to be alert of weather warnings, store their valuables in safe areas and prepare emergency kits for their important documents.

"Based on our experience, especially during January floods, 14 villages and settlements in Mersing are prone to flooding.

"They are Kampung Jemari, Lubok and Air Merah (Mukim Mersing), Kampung Air Papan, Tenglu Laut and Lubuk Buih (Mukim Tenglu), Kampung Orang Asli Peta, Kampung Orang Asli Labong, Bukit Pasir, Semaloi, Jalan Bulang, Sungai Padang, Semanyir and Penyabong (Mukim Endau and Sembrong).

"Previously, floods in Mersing were due to the low location of the areas, slow movement of floodwaters because of high tide and overflowing rivers due to heavy rain," said Radzi.

He said the district office had also mobilised the Kumpulan Keselamatan Nelayan (KESAN) to help with the evacuation of flood victims.

He said KESAN was an initiative by the Mersing Fisheries Development Authority (LKIM) to give assistance to fishermen who encounter problems at sea.

"As fishermen are not going out to sea during the monsoon season, for the first time we are mobilising them to help with the evacuation process.

"There are 40 KESAN volunteers, 20 each in Mersing and Endau with 20 boats. They have completed a water rescue course with the Fire and Rescue Department," said Radzi.

Mersing Fishermen Association chairman Zinal Muhammad said each volunteer would be equipped with two life jackets and a flash light for the rescue operation.

"The district office will determine when and where the volunteers will be deployed when the flood occurs," said Zinal. - NST

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