Saturday, January 29, 2022

Anwar: Using different logos does not affect ties among Harapan parties


PKR's decision to use its own logo while Amanah and DAP contest under the Pakatan Harapan banner in the upcoming Johor election will not affect ties among the coalition's component parties, said Harapan chairperson Anwar Ibrahim.

The opposition leader said such a move had been taken before and the coalition remained strong.

"This logo thing does not affect ties. In the 2013 general election, we used our own logos and PKR was strong then. 

"In the Sabah polls, PKR used the PKR logo while DAP used the Warisan logo, but it did not affect relations.

"There are people trying to play up this logo issue as if it had not happened before. We are using the PKR logo because of the sentiment in non-urban areas, especially among the Malays. We have discussed and agreed on the matter, so I think it's not a problem," Anwar added.

The PKR president told reporters this after a town hall session held in conjunction with the 60th annual general assembly of Pusat Kegiatan Pelajar Islam Malaysia in Seremban today.

On Wednesday, the Harapan presidential council agreed to allow DAP and Amanah to use the Harapan logo in the Johor polls while PKR will use its own.

PKR will not ditch DAP

Anwar also said that PKR would not ditch DAP to cooperate with other parties in the Johor election.

“There were suggestions to cooperate with PKR on condition that we must reject DAP. 

"We cannot accept this (proposal) because both parties have proven their loyalty," the Port Dickson MP added.

- Bernama

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