Saturday, January 1, 2022

Increase aid to flood victims, PKR youth tells govt


PKR youth vice-chief Thiban Subbramaniam said damage or loss to property incurred by each family of flood victims will reach RM30,000 to RM50,000.

PETALING JAYA: The government’s aid for flood victims is not enough, says PKR youth vice-chief Thiban Subbramaniam.

“People need help, not announcements. The failure of Ismail Sabri Yaakob’s government in managing the disastrous floods has resulted in 48 deaths.

“I was upset with the prime minister’s announcement that the families of the flood victims will receive government assistance of up to RM10,000 as a post-flood recovery measure.”

As part of his special New Year announcement, Ismail had said the families of flood victims would receive various financial assistance amounting to RM10,000 per family and will not be required to withdraw their life savings from the Employees Provident Fund.

Thiban said damage or loss incurred by each family of the flood victims will reach RM30,000 to RM50,000.

“This does not include losses incurred by small entrepreneurs, truck drivers, farmers, young fertigation entrepreneurs and so on. Is the aid announced by Ismail realistic enough to help them?” Thiban said in a statement today.

He urged the government to increase the assistance amount from RM1,000 to RM10,000 for each individual as many of them had lost everything to the floods and had to build back their lives from scratch.

“For the families, the government should increase the contribution from RM10,000 to RM50,000.

“The government should also provide special assistance for small traders, farmers and ranchers who suffered serious damage and lost their source of income.

“Price control of basic equipment and service of flood victims’ vehicles should also be introduced.

“The health ministry should speed up the health and mental health check-ups for flood victims,” he added.

Thiban said this disastrous flood is not a result of God’s doing but the failure of the government.

“Government assets such as helicopters and boats, that we always see at Merdeka parades, were not fully utilised for flood victims.

“The people used their own fishing boats to rescue flood victims while government agencies were still waiting for instructions.”

Thiban congratulated the people, especially the younger generation, who took charge and helped many victims.

“A royal commission of inquiry should be set up immediately to investigate the failure of the government.”

Thiban also said if the government still failed to buck up and do its job properly, he would put pressure on the opposition leaders to cancel the cooperation pact signed with the government. - FMT

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