Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Gombak villagers beseech MB for help over eviction issue


Over 20 families in Kampung Sri Makmur, Gombak are calling for Selangor Menteri Besar Amirudin Shari to intervene over an eviction order for them to make way for a condominium project.

At a protest this morning outside the state secretariat building in Shah Alam, they handed a memorandum to Amirudin’s chief private secretary Mohd Hidayat Mohd Sauffi.

They wanted to be relocated to affordable homes at a discounted price. They also called for talks with developer Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS).

“We want to have a discussion. We want relocation. We are not here to fight, we only want discussion,” they chanted.

A resident was seen holding a placard that read “Pity us, where are we going to stay?”

About 30 residents were at the protest. They said they have resided in the area for over three decades, since 1989.

Kampung Sri Makmur Residents Association president Noora Mustafa said they were first issued a notice to vacate their land back in 2019.

“Back then, we were offered affordable houses where we have to fork out money. We turned down the offer as no bank will give us loans for the new houses due to our low monthly wages,” she told Malaysiakini when contacted.

“We took to the court to seek compensation, but the court ruled the land belongs to PKNS and it has a right to evict us and develop the area,” she added.

Relocation and compensation

Noora said the residents decided to take a proactive approach to engage with PKNS to resolve the issue.

“We wanted to be given two options - either relocation at the same place upon completion of the housing project or relocation into Sri Temenggong Flats, an affordable housing scheme dubbed Rumah Selangorku. Both at prices below RM150,000.

“During construction, we want to stay at the same area if the situation permits, or each family be compensated a monthly rental of RM700 until the completion of the housing project," she said.

The eviction will affect 200 families, she said, explaining that this includes about 30 who lived there since 1989 and the rest who moved into the area after the Selangor government implemented a “zero squatter” policy across the state.

Meanwhile, PSM deputy president S Arutchelvan, who was also at the protest, said the residents’ demands are reasonable.

"In the Jinjang area, residents were given free houses if they are first-time homebuyers," he said, referencing similar eviction situations that villagers there faced.

"The developer is PKNS, a state GLC and not a private developer. So the matter can be resolved with political wisdom, without the need to go to court again," he added.- Mkini

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