Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Up to Harapan presidential council to decide MB candidate - Salahuddin


JOHOR POLLS | Amanah deputy president Salahuddin Ayub said it will be up to the Pakatan Harapan presidential council to decide if it will name a menteri besar candidate for the Johor election.

Salahuddin (above) said he didn't want to weigh into the issue as he is also contesting in the Johor polls.

"The Harapan presidential council may discuss the matter in the near future but I don't want to comment much as I'm contesting.

"Let the Harapan presidential council resolve it. To date, there has been no discussion," he told journalists while campaigning in Simpang Jeram where he is the incumbent.

During the Malacca polls, Harapan had a clear candidate as Amanah's Adly Zahari was the chief minister when the coalition governed Malacca.

In Johor, the position was occupied by Bersatu, which is no longer part of Harapan, creating a vacuum.

Among those whose name has been floated around as a possible menteri besar is PKR's Maszlee Malik, who is contesting in Layang-layang.

Salahuddin is also the most senior leader in Amanah who is contesting in Johor, making him a potential candidate.

However, Harapan may opt not to name a menteri besar candidate to avoid friction during the campaign period.

‘Johor polls triggered by those playing politics’

Salahuddin, who is also the Pulai MP, said Harapan embraced the Yang di-Pertuan Agong's speech in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday which called for all political parties to protect the people's interests.

He said this was the reason Harapan signed a memorandum of understanding with the government to allow political stability amid the Covid-19 pandemic, so efforts can be directed at helping the people.

However, he said, other political parties continue to play politics.

"Leaders from two parties - who form the government - were playing politics until the rakyat was burdened with the Johor state polls," he said after distributing bubur lambuk in Simpang Jeram.

The Agong said to face 2022, all parties should strengthen their strategies and resilience in tackling the challenges of Covid-19, and the country’s economic recovery should be sped up so that Malaysia would not be left behind.

The Johor polls were triggered by BN, which is seeking to gain a majority on its own so that it can govern without Perikatan Nasional.

Salahuddin also downplayed Perak Menteri Besar Saarani Mohamad's comment that Umno had secured 40 percent of voters in northern Johor as their hardcore supporters and will be able to tilt the election outcome with only 10 percent more supporters.

Perak Umno, under Saarani's leadership, has been put in charge of the campaign in northern Johor.

“All parties are boosting their share of voters - not just BN. Umno has hardcore voters, we also have hardcore voters,” Salahuddin said. - Mkini

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