Saturday, April 2, 2022

Pioneer literacy programme for inmates at Seremban Prison

The Seremban Prison has hosted the pioneer group for a 20-day 3R (reading writing and arithmetic) for inmates in the country, which began on March 7.

Negeri Sembilan Prisons director Senior Asst Comm Abd Rahman Taib said the programme, in partnership with social enterprise iSina Edutech Sdn Bhd, also aimed to help inmates to leave the criminal world behind them.

“We hope they will be able to live more beneficial lives in the future through the learning modules provided.

"This effort was conducted so that all 113 inmates selected here can have good job opportunities and adapt to society upon their release,” he told reporters after officiating the closing ceremony of the programme in Seremban today.

He said those with potential in this first session will be trained as educators to guide their fellow inmates and teach others who have difficulty reading.

"The programme today has been evaluated with 105 inmates having successfully mastered the 3Rs while eight were unsuccessful due to certain factors, but they will continue to be guided by those who were successful,” he said.

An inmate named Fuad, 28, said he had only had a primary education till Primary Six and was unable to master the 3Rs during that time.

"I entered prison when I was 18, and have been in Seremban Prison for only a year. Here I was given the opportunity to join this programme and thankfully after 20 days, I can read well,” he said.

Another inmate, Mohd, 56, admitted that he could not read at all previously, and his ability to successfully master the 3Rs through this programme was one of the biggest achievements in his life.

"I feel relieved and happy to be given a chance to learn like this and it will benefit me when I am released later on,” he added.


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