Thursday, April 28, 2022

'Zipline' to school, MP says PM approved funds for new suspension bridge


Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob has approved emergency funds to expedite the construction of a new suspension bridge in Kampung Nangkawangan, Nabawan, Sabah, replacing a previous structure that was destroyed two months ago by torrential floods.

When contacted, Pensiangan MP Arthur Joseph Kurup said he had met with Ismail Sabri to discuss the matter affecting local residents, including children who are forced to risk their lives crossing the river to school using a raft or a makeshift zipline.

"Technical officers from the Implementation Coordination Unit and the district office have already visited the relevant locations two days ago and started doing the necessary reports.

"In the meantime, I will discuss with the local community on what we can do to help the transportation of school children safely," the deputy works minister told Malaysiakini today.

Kurup said torrential rain had broken the river bank, turning it into its current state with swift-flowing water.

Unusual flood

"This type of flood is unusual and has never happened there before," he added.

School children in Kampung Nangkawangan, Nabawan, Pensiangan, Sabah cross the river in a makeshift raft

Earlier, Sabah DAP secretary Phoong Jin Zhe had shared a 27-second video which showed two primary school children in uniform being pulled by an adult across the river, using a bucket attached to a makeshift zipline.

Berita Harian reported the children, including four others seen navigating a wooden raft, were students from Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Nangkawangan.

"That (the river) is the only way for the students to go to school.

"I remember a similar case that took place in Ranau. I have made a statement asking local district officers to check on the condition of the bridges in their areas," said the Luyang assemblyperson.

Rather than going through a lengthy process for state approval to initiate any repairs, Phoong had initially asked Kurup and other government elected representatives to utilise their constituency's fund of up to RM2 million. - Mkini

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