Sunday, May 1, 2022



My wife came home from work yesterday and was raging about her boss. She said to me, “I’m never going to work for that man again!”. 

I asked her, "Why, what did he say to you?

She said, "You are fired!"

I had a terrible Labour Day weekend.

My wife was involved in a horrible car crash and lost her left leg and left arm.

She's alright now!

Why was the pregnant woman worried? She'd told her husband it was Labour day and instead of going to the hospital, he'd went straight home!

I said to my son, “Do you know, most people don’t have to work today because it’s Labour Day?”

He replied, “If people aren’t working, shouldn’t it be called “No-Labour Day?

Why shouldn't people with a mean attitude become masseurs? 

Nobody wants to be rubbed the wrong way!

My boss made me go into the office on Labour Day. Halfway through the day, he came in to check up on me and caught me having a beer.

He said to me, "You can't drink while you're working."

I said, "Oh, don't worry - I'm not working!"

Why can't people with temper issues ever become good badminton players? They are too high strung!  

In the week before Labour Day, Ahmad, a dirt-poor country farmer won the lottery - half a million dollars.  So, to celebrate, he treated his wife and their four kids to a trip to see the Labour Day parade in Kuala Lumpur.

He booked rooms for them in the Sheraton International in the heart of the city. They’d never been to anywhere like Kuala Lumpur before, in fact they’d never travelled further afield than their local town, so when they got there, they were completely bowled over by all the glitz, glamour and excitement of the “Big City". Ahmad and his son Dollah were particularly mesmerized by a shiny box with silver walls in the hotel reception. They’d never before come across doors that could move apart, and then automatically close again, as neither had seen an elevator before.  So, they were totally amazed when a little old lady entered the shiny box and the doors closed on her. The lights on the wall by the doors flashed for a minute or so, then the doors opened and stepped out a young beautiful woman. Ahmad turned to Dollah and said, "Son, go get your mother!" 

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