Saturday, May 28, 2022

Mampus pi lah dengan Bahasa Inggeris, duduk bersila lah tepi dapur, makan lah dengan tangan, mandi perigi lah, bela ayam saja lah

 Mula kita dengar apa kata Pak Lebai :

Hello Pak Lebai, orang dok rumah flat nak bela ayam di mana? Flat PPRT dua bilik saja, tinggi sampai 20 tingkat.  Kalau ibu, ayah serta lima orang anak kongsi se-ekor ayam sehari pun, lima hari saja habis lah lima ekor ayam. Esok kalau bekalan daging tak cukup macam mana pula? Lembu pula payah nak naik lif. Makcik Lembu Kondo pun tak boleh bantu kita.
Hari tu Brader Ma'el suruh penjawat awam guna bahasa Melayu. Sekarang KSN pula kasi warning kalau penjawat awam guna bahasa Inggeris akan dikenakan tindakan pula !!  

Yang berikut adalah reaksi oleh Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz dan kumpulan G25:
               Rafidah says she insisted all communications in English to ensure efficiency 

PJ : Rafidah Aziz slammed Chief Sec for punitive measures to “enforce” Malay
civil servants’ competence in English key in attracting high-quality FDI

Rafidah asked all ministry’s communications in English, to ensure efficiency
Every year private sector honoured Miti with annual enterprise award

reference point was ‘Malaysia in regional and global infrastructure’
Not Malaysia in its own ‘syok sendiri’, tiny, self-wound cocoon

“If this mindset persists we will be bureaucratic pariahs in Asean,” she said
JPA to consider punitive measures to enforce Malay in civil service, GLCs
in line with PM Sabri's announcement that Malay used in country, internationally.

Rafidah described the move as regressive 
civil servants should raise proficiency in English and other languages

She sympathised with Miti officers who deal with foreign community

doing a disservice to the country.

We should be progressing, not regressing, sliding backwards and downwards
focus on substance, not form

Yang berikut pula kenyataan media kumpulan G25 berkenaan isu yang sama:

G25 Statement on KSN’s Punitive Measures to Enforce Bahasa Malaysia

KSN called to consider punitive measures to enforce BM in civil service, GLCs

He would like full compliance with policy announced by PM 

importance of English as universal language of international community 

in many areas civil servants have to communicate in English 

Covid: English is language of WHO

economy : English is language of IMF, World Bank 

writing policy papers, international conferences will be affected

Organisers and sponsors will lose financially

potential loss of knowledge and wisdom will hit us hardest

hypocritical : children of rich mostly products of intn'l schools 

English produces students who enter universities in Britain, US, Aust, NZ

our universities attract large number of foreign students and revenue

medium of teaching in MARA university, residential colleges, IIUM is English.

Malaysia fortunate it has inherited wide use of English among population

one of main strengths of Malaysia to attract foreign investors

govt trying to reverse modern trend in Malaysian society 

punitive actions a regressive step 

will put Malaysia in bad light with foreigners, international investors.  

English is language of technology, learning, research

world’s most common language used for online communication

continue English as strong 2nd language so that country more progressive 

G25 Malaysia
27 May 2022

Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili MMKtT.

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