Sunday, May 1, 2022

MMA says spot checks should be done by MOH officers


The Malaysia Medical Association (MMA) has objected to the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry's plans to conduct spot checks on business premises to seek out staff or patrons who are of high Covid-19 risk.

In a statement today, MMA president Koh Kar Chai said only Health Ministry (MOH) appointed officers are allowed to enforce the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988.

"After two years of the pandemic, the people should now know what they should be doing to protect themselves, their families and their income.

"At this current point in time, both monitoring and enforcement activities related to (the above law) should be left in the hands of the Health Ministry," said Koh.

Yesterday, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Alexander Nanta Linggi said officers from his ministry will conduct the spot checks and enforce the above law.

Koh Kar Chai

From May 1 onwards, Malaysians will no longer have to use the MySejahtera smartphone application "check-in" function when outside their homes.

However, the Health Ministry has "urged" business owners to compel visitors to display their MySejahtera application to prove that they have not been flagged as "high risk".

The MMA said there was no longer a need for strict enforcement as suggested by Alexander.

Alexander Nanta Linggi

"This type of strict enforcement was necessary for the early stages before the population was vaccinated and hospitalisations were high. We have improved significantly now in the management of the pandemic.

"Businesses are well aware of the effect Covid-19 can potentially have on businesses and therefore we should trust business owners and the people to take all necessary precautions.

"Such strict enforcement can even be viewed as regressive and will invite resentment from both business owners and the public. We really should be gradually moving away from restrictive policies," said Koh. - Mkini

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