Sunday, May 1, 2022

Singapore to celebrate Hari Raya on Tuesday


Hari Raya will be celebrated tomorrow in Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei, while Singapore will celebrate it on Tuesday. (Bernama pic)

SINGAPORE: Hari Raya Aidilfitri will be celebrated on Tuesday (May 3) in Singapore, while Brunei and Indonesia will celebrate it on Monday as with Malaysia.

The mufti of Singapore, in an announcement today said the date was set as calculations revealed that the crescent moon of Syawal is unlikely to be seen at sunset today.

In Jakarta, the Indonesian Muhammadiyah Centre has set Hari Raya Aidilfitri to fall on Monday, May 2, as the crescent moon had been sighted today.

The government of Brunei Darussalam said Hari Raya would be celebrated tomorrow as the hilal or new moon was sighted at one or more vantage points this evening. - FMT

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